Chapter Twenty Four "Choice"

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[24th June 2020,Thursday]
{5:00 p.m.}

Socks didn't know what to do right now. He was panicking a lot. Maybe he should have just listen to the British man's words but he did the opposite of it apparently. Lunging into a forest with hot flaming fire... probably the dumbest thing he had ever done before...

'Not the point right now, Socksfor1...'

In the orange spaceman arms was a 14 year old kid with his eyes closed. By the looks of it, the kid was having difficulty to breath properly from all the smoke and fire choking his lungs, just like drowning in a ocean. But what can the spaceman do? Covering his mouth to stop him breath in the smoke was a horrible idea since it will just make it more worse.

'Save him, Socksfor1...'

'But how....?'

Socks had to question himself over and over again. He was stuck in the middle of forest fire with one of his friends which needed medical attention immediately. He wasn't a doctor, he's just a normal teenager with a strange obsession of space and have a bunch of weird friends.

'Weak pulse...'

In panic, Socks tried contacting one of the spirits through the mind communication to maybe get some help to save Muffin. Eventually after a whole straight five minutes with the spaceman almost having a panic attack, he could finally heard the familiar voice from the crab man himself.

'Body's getting colder and colder...'

Tbh told the spaceman he's coming towards him but Socks knew he wasn't gonna make it towards him in time. Slowly, the spaceman also started have difficulty breathing as his lungs felt like was on fire.

'Not enough oxygen...'

"Socks!" A voice shouted aloud. From the mention of his name, Socks looked towards the direction of the voice to found the other 14 year old kid, running towards him fast with worry dancing in his eyes.

'Coughing sounds...'

"Here! Drink it!" Nadwe yelled aloud as he handed the spaceman a bottle of water so he could at least breath normally for awhile. Socks wasted no time and drank the water bottle and after feeling his lungs weren't so hot, he took a lot of deep breathes.

'Fire everywhere...'

"What now?" Socks asked, gesturing towards the 14 year old's best friend who laying on his arms now. Nadwe hesitated for a second as he looked towards Muffin before saying out his idea.

'Need to leave now...!'

"We had to leave the forest now!" Nadwe said with visible hurt in his tone. "Doesn't that mean we had to leave Muffin behind?! We can't do that!" Socks shouted at him, feeling a little dizzy due to the lack of oxygen and smoke he breath in.

'No choice...'

"We don't have a choice, Socks!" Nadwe said. "By the looks of the weather, the fire won't die down for two to three hours and Muffin couldn't survived that long!" He continued.


"He is already at the edge of death! Even though he could make it out of this fire alive, we don't have any equipments to help him!" Nadwe explained. "Also we don't have the doctor, Meme here!" He added.

'Give up on him...'

"Well- that doesn't mean we couldn't just lose hope for him!" Socks shouted. "We are not gonna give up on him like that!" He added as he felt more dizzier.


"Socks!" Another voice shouted out which it could be clearly identified as the crab man sound. Tbh ran towards the three of them with visible burns on him and grabbed the spaceman's hand, surprising him.

'Too late...'

"Nadwe's right on this point. We really need to leave now!" Tbh said in a serious tone at the last word as he pull the spaceman's hand, making him stood up and dragged Socks away from Nadwe and Muffin. "Remember me and Nadwe are already dead but you are still an alive human that needs oxygen so we need to go now." Tbh added.


Socks didn't have time to argue back as he was pull into the fire with Tbh as he glance one last look at the two 14 year old kids before finally accepting the fate that they had to leave their friend behind.


Other than his legs were running with Tbh who was guiding him out of the forest, Socks's other body parts became numb. He couldn't help but let those tears out of his eyes after holding back a long time.

"I'm sorry...Muffin..."

[24th June 2020, Thursday]
{5:15 p.m.}


Fire. That was the only thing he could saw other than... fire...

In the doctor eyes, everything in front of him was fire. Ok... why does Nadwe have to left him in the middle of a forest fire. He just ran out of the cave where Woolf and Joocie were probably stuck in there with lots of smoke... to find a 14 year old kid. Meme prayed that both of them knew how to survive without his medical help.

Meme didn't know how long time had passed but the only thing he could focused now was either find one of his friends like Muffin,Socks...or possible maybe Nadwe too... or find a way out of the forest before he got burned alive.

"This is gonna be harder than trying to find Blaza's golden coin in the middle of a party..." He sighed aloud.

Chapter Twenty Four 😬!!!

Summary: Socks left behind one of his friends that was dying in the middle of the forest fire with Tbh guiding him while Meme was also stuck in the forest too...

Ladies and gentlemen, I'm back with this book just like how I said in the 'conversation' thing... ya...

Anyways, go check out my new book!
'Mission Impossible'

Hope you all enjoy!!!

Words Count: 970

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