Chapter One

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Hello my name is Tyshae Lynn. I bet your thinking oh big dang deal who would care about you. Well   I   normally would not agree with you, but the events of lately have made me feel awfully alone, lost, sad and more than a little depressed.  What happen? 

        Well I am married to a wonderful man.  His name is Annikan, and he is forty-five years old.   He took me on my first plane ride in October, and it was the most amazing vacation. When we return back to Canada, he ends up having a blood clot in his leg.  The blood clot let us to discover he had Colon Cancer.  We at this time were actively trying to have a baby, and we going though IVF treatments.  The day he had surgery, I was getting the eggs removed from me.    The surgery was successful, but we learned a few days later that his cancer was stage three. It means that the cancer is spreading to other parts of his body, and he had to have Chemotherapy.  We were both worried, and scared, but we could face anything together...

         He started Chemo in February, and life got even harder.  He would have chemo, and end up getting sick while I was trying to hold down my fully time job... *shakes her head* I would end up leaving, and running home just, so I could give him his medication.    About a month and half into Chemo, I finally had enough... I could not deal with my job, and his health... Something had to give as I was not sleeping, and snapping at everyone...  I went to the doctor, and had them pull me out of work for a month. I thought it would give me the time I needed to adjust, but I never could see how in those 30 days how my life would change…  

      Three days after the doctor’s note, I was headed to the dentist, and Annikan was headed to his mom’s house for lunch. He leaned against the pole and said he did not feel well.   I told him to call his mom and tell her that he does not feel good since he just had chemo, she would understand... He said no I am going, and took two steps away from the pole and started to fall... I tried to hold him up, but you see my husband is a large man, He stand 5 feet ten inches and he weighs about 270 pounds. I could not hold him and he fell to the ground hard.  He woke up within a few seconds, and I got him up, and told him he was going home.     He stood up and took three more steps and I looked into his face and informed him he had to sit down that he was going to go out again...  He sat and passed out for the second time in less than a minute.  When he finally awoke the second time, I got him up and took him home. He rested in bed while I make the call to the dentist... Informing him I was not coming, and why...  

       Then I called Annikan’s nurse, and told her what happened...  She told me to call the ambulance and take my husband to the hospital that something was wrong.     You know it is funny how the 911 operates react when you tell them the nurse told you to call them and why...  The ambulance came less than ten minutes time...  They put all sorts of things on him to check his heart, oxygen levels, and a ND blood pressure.  We got to the hospital and the wait started.     They did all sorts of test to find out what was wrong.  The doctor finally came in and told him that they needed to hospilized him for 24 hours, so they could get him back on a medication.    The next day we were told by a nurse he could go home.   We left with in five minutes, but the moment   we were walking into the house his call phone rang... It was the doctor saying he was not supposed to get released, and to come back to the hospital ASAP. He had to go to the same room same bed because it was like he never left the hospital.     I remember waiting and waiting for why he was still there, but no one told us anything...   

       A week later, on a Sunday three doctors walked in and told him that he had a blood clot in his heart and lungs... They also told him that he had a whole in his heart, and that the blood clot was near it...  It was this day he was told he needed open heart surgery to fix a birth defect...  We were both floored and now extremely worried... You see the whole in his heart was connecting the two sides of the heart, and the blood clot was close to the whole.  At any time the whole could have broken offer and went through the whole and up to his brain.   They were doing a test on him at a nearby hospital, and then sending him for surgery.   Now you all need to understand that I live in Canada, and we have government health care. What that means is everyone who lives here had health care, but there is almost always a waiting list for things like surgery.   

      We were told on a Sunday he needed it and the secedualed his surgery for the next day.  Heck they came to take him to surgery and I was at even at the hospital yet.  They waited for me and to answer his questions...  His mom and I waited nervously until we finally see them wheel him in to his room. The surgery went fine they said, and could not find the blood clot.   I remember sighing in relief and my worry stated to fade.  All he had to do now was recover and we would them continue to battle cancer.    Well to make a long story shorter, he end up having complications.   When you have open heart surgery your heart can get inflamed... I t shows it by fluid going around the heart.  Annikan was sent home, and was back in the hospital three days later for that very reason.  

       They drained it, and did not see it coming back.  Well it did, and before I got to the hospital the next day he had crashed. They were going to keep in stated for the day, and do tests to see if he had brain damage...     Worried at this time was so intense and even when all the test came back positive the fear never left my soul,  By this time my doctors note was up, and I went back to get it extended.. I was not going to work with what is going on with the love of my life...   It turned out that Annikan had terminated brain damage, and it was the kind that never gets fixed.  His family and I had the machines shut off, so he could die naturally. It was what he would have wanted.  He died on a Wednesday, and I became a young widow. I told people I was too young to be one. We had our whole lives planned out together. 

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