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Date: 1956Location:
 Denmark Strait
 Pov Caption Friedrich Richthofen

 The 2nd great war had broken out just a one year prior, I served in Kaiser's powerful navy aboard the greatest battleship to rule the waves, SMS Kaiserin, my father had fought in the first great war three decades prior, so I was Brought up with stories of his time fighting for the Kaiser's father, I had joined the navy 7 years prior, and now that we are at war once again, those against the Kaiser will feel his wrath just like the pride of the and joy of the Royal Navy... not even 5 months at sea since it began and we had engaged in a heated battle against the British ship, HMS Hood and HMS Prince of Wales, during the battle we had a fire break out on the deck, killing several men, for that we struck the Hood with the Kaiser's finest shells which hit her mid section, in mere seconds she had lit up like a firework, we had blown that joke to hell, she split in half as her men drown in the waters below, those that survived were saved by the Prince of Wales, we knew the battle was over when we sunk their beacon of light, we also knew that the English would do everything to sink us now, with their pride destroyed, we had painted a target on our backs... only God could save us now...

 Time skip

 It had been 2 weeks since the sinking of the Hood, during those two weeks, the we had continues our mission to disrupt the English supply lines, today was the 27 of May 1956, it was early in the morning around 8 AM, I had ordered our pilot to get into the ships naval ME 262 jet floatplane, he had spotted a small group of ships, with the knowledge given I ordered the men to man all stations, as they came into view I gave the order to open fire and engaged the small group of English supply ships, what I failed to realize however was this was a trap, we had been surrounded by British ships in all directions... the battle lasted 5 hours before our rudder and propellers were destroyed, the first, third, and fourth turrets were disabled... fires all over the stern and bow of the ship... the jet we had launched was shot down by enemy aircrafts... the ship was listing 30° to port, this was the end, I knew it was coming... I failed my crew... I failed the Kaiser... but most importantly I failed my ship... Turning to my officer I gave him my final order as captain...

 Friedrich: Edwards... tell the crew to abandon ship... when you do I want you to leave the bridge and find yourself a life boat, I will be with you soon...

 Edwards did as told and the left the bridge but not before looking back at me one more time...

 Edwards: see you on the other side Kommandant...

 With a sad smile I salute to him, he salutes back, and than he left, leaving me to think back on my life as a boy, listening to the stories my father would tell me about his time as a pilot in the first great war, and here I am, on a sinking ship with no family left... an old man with nobody to love, nobody to morn for my death, if only I had one more chance, I wish I could sail the sea once more even if for a moment... an explosion goes off behind me rocking the ship dropping me to my knees, the bow of the ship was nearly completely submerged, the bridge started to fill with water and a 2nd more powerful explosion goes of this one splits the ship in half as I begin descending to my watery grave... a bright blue cube appears before me... almost calling out to me as I hear a female voice asking me "do you wish to sail once more, do you wish to fight once again? reach for me and take your place as a Captain once more." Listening to what I heard, with what little strength I have left I reach out to it I touch the object, my only thoughts being to sail the seas on Kaiserin once more even if only for a moment, wishing to fight for what I believe... my vision begins to grow darker as my eyes feel heavy, slowly my eyes start to close as a bright blue glow grows stronger and stronger lighting up the sea surrounding me...

Friedrich: Es tut mir leid Kaiserin.... I failed you... Auf... Wiedersehen... mein... Schiff...

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