The Mall

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"Oh shit."

That was the first thing that entered Lithuania's mind as the mall came into view on the road. He should have known where Poland was taking him when he said they were going out that day. The ride hadn't been pleasant either, as it turns out Poland was a maniac when it came to driving.

Lithuania knew that once they entered that huge building filled with every store you can think of, they would be there all day and would leave with both of their wallets significantly lighter. Poland ALWAYS went overboard when it came to shopping. Not to mention that the majority of his purchases would either be pink, dresses, or nail polish. Lithuania often questioned the flamboyant Pole why he dresses so feminine, and he would always get the same answer: "BECAUSE I LOOK, LIKE, TOTALLY FABULOUS, LIET!"

Finally, they found a parking space in the huge and crowded parking lot. Lithuania gulped as the blonde in the driver's seat parked Lith's second-hand Toyota, grabbed his glittery handbag, undid his seatbelt, and hopped out the car door. Lithuania undid his seatbelt, and exited the car as well.

"Well, what are we waiting for? LET'S BLOW SOME GREEN!" The Pole announced, as he grabbed Lithuania's hand and bounded towards the mall entrance.

- (Spongebob narrator voice) Several hours later... -

The two finally exited the mall after several exhausting hours of spending. Lithuania was loaded down with dozens of heavy shopping bags, at least one from nearly every store. Poland's hands were full too. Little did the Lithuanian know, but a lot of the items (that weren't pink or dresses) were for him, that Poland bought as gifts. At last, they reached the brunette's car. They opened the trunk, dumped the bags, and closed it. Lithuania leaned on the side of the car in exhaustion.

"Hey Liet, are you okay?" Poland asked, slightly worried.

"Yeah, just tired." Lithuania replied.

Poland walked over to where his boyfriend was standing, and softly pecked his lips.

"Do you want me to drive home?"


The Mall - A LietPol OneshotWhere stories live. Discover now