Genuine Hatred

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Words: 8,617
Consensus: Uh oh
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(P.S. there are words that are supposed to be italicized but I'm too lazy to change that after copying and pasting from my Google doc so deal with it B))


"Good morning, lovely cookies." Reverend Mother Cookie stood in front of the crowd of cookies. It was time for morning prayer, before getting the day started.

"Before we pray, I have an announcement to make." The other cookies all watched intently, carefully. "I have talked with the other elders and have prayed to the Gods about this, and we've decided something. In a week from today, we are going to storm the Tower of Sweet Chaos. We are going to put an end to the corruption that is taking place on the sacred grounds."

There was murmuring amongst the large group of nuns. "We will prepare all week for the battle. Let us pray for our inevitable victory." She continued. "May the Gods let us shine brightly in our battle." Reverend Mother, with her usual smile, knelt down and put her hands together. "Let us continue our morning prayer, sisters." She cupped her hands together, the rest of the buns following suit.


Pastry didn't know how to feel about this plan. She feared a chance of failure, afraid of crumbling inside the intense heat of the tower. Would it be righteous to have the sacred grounds of the oven to be tainted by warfare?

When she had time to, in between chores and tasks, she went up to Reverend Mother Cookie. "Excuse me, Reverend Mother."

Reverend Mother, a smile on her face, cheerfully greeted her. "Ah, Pastry Cookie! Is there something you need?"

"I wanted to.. talk to you about the attack on the tower." She said, clasping her hands together.

"Do you doubt our decision, Pastry, child?"

"N..No, Reverend Mother. I just.." she paused. Yes, she was having doubts. She knelt down. "I apologize, Mother. I suppose I do have doubts about this idea." She bowed down, hoping for forgiveness from the Godly.

"Child, stand up, would you?" Reverend Mother asked kindly. She obeyed. "I understand you have recently had a traumatizing experience in that tower, but rest assured, nothing bad will happen." She lay a hand on Pastry's shoulder.

"But.. wouldn't it be unholy to have warfare take place on those sacred grounds?"

"Child," Reverend Mother's voice softened, she knelt down to be face to face with Pastry. "Sometimes, we must do a wrong to create a right." Pastry nodded. Just like a multiplication equation. "I have prayed to the Gods, and they have allowed us permission to drive the evil out of the tower. Rest assured, Pastry. We are doing the right thing."

Pastry nodded. "Yes, Mother. I understand."

"Good child." She smiled. "Now, go have some dinner. You must be feeling pretty hungry after the hard work you put in today." She giggled.

"Thank you, Reverend Mother. I have faith in you and the Gods." She walked towards the dining hall.

A sisterly figure entered as Pastry filtered out. She shook her head. "She keeps doubting, Mother. Remember, if she needs to be silenced-"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2021 ⏰

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