Since then...

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Hi guys! I hope you enjoy this story! This was a request! Vote, follow, comment and all that good stuff! Enjoy!

It was the same thing everyday. I would come early to class, talk to my friends, and just stare at him. I didn't know what it was, it's just something about him seems interesting. I've tried telling one of my friends, but they always told me to forget about him, or mentioned the marks on his face. I noticed how my friends would look at him. It was cold. He wasn't new to our school, he's been here the whole time actually. Though, I didn't understand why he doesn't have friends. I sighed as I looked outside the window. It was October, we were about to finish the school year and enter middle school. It's weird, I'm only in elementary school and I'm not really into the things most kids my age were into.
Play dates?
Ummm... No.
Wearing pretty dresses?
Definitely not gonna do that!
Playing with dolls?
If I can throw them into fire, I don't mind.
Playing princess?
I enjoyed getting dirty; getting a few scratches, bumps or bruises actually showed how much fun I had. Though, my friends were the complete opposite of me. They always wore skirts, dresses, and would have girly hairstyles. I would just stuff my hair into a baseball cap, since I found it annoying. I usually wore a plain shirt, some shorts or pants, and my shoes were usually pretty dirty. I would clean them from time to time but when I go outside, it's hard to keep them clean. To be honest, I don't really like my "friends " they try to change me, or criticize my actions. They want me to be like them. I've been told to just go hangout with the boys, but they made fun of me because of it. I sighed as I sat down at my desk. Luckily my desk was next to the windows, I'd drift off from time to time but I've always kept my grades up. Even if I sleep most of the time. I saw the boy walk in, as usual he had an unreadable expression.
"Hey, (L/N)-Chan!" I turned to see my "friends" They walked over to me, taking their seats. I turned my attention back to the window, especially since it's the only interesting thing at the moment.
"What's up with you?" I heard some attitude in her voice. I shrugged. My other friend let out an annoyed sigh.
"Nothing." The day went by like that, I ignored my friends.


It was lunch time, I decided to not sit with the others. I saw the blonde boy sitting alone at the edge of one of tables. I made my way over to him. "Hey, can I sit-" he didn't even let me finish. He quickly stood up and left.
"Don't worry, you can have the seat." He sounded somewhat scared. I felt bad, and I felt worse as I heard some familiar voices.
"Ugh, you were gonna sit with The Freak?"
"Why would you want to? Is that why you were ignoring us today?"
"Are you seriously trying to ditch us for that?" They both cringed. I furrowed my eyebrows, huffing before leaving. They both looked at me, obviously angered.
After lunch, I noticed how the boy would glance over to me from time to time. He would immediately look away when I catch him, yet he didn't bother stopping. This went on for the next few days, we did nothing more but just look at one another. Now, when I'd catch him staring, he wouldn't look away anymore.


I was walking home in the rain, school today want the best. He didn't show up at school. I still want to get to know him, I can't help but feel that I have to. As I was walking, I was about to pass by the local playground. I noticed familiar blond hair, causing me to stop in my tracks. I saw him sitting on the swings by himself, his eyes glued to the ground. This was my chance.
I began walking closer, yet immediately, his head shot up. I saw fear and sadness in his blue eyes. I stopped as I was now facing him. I held my umbrella with one hand as I began taking off my jacket. It was an orange jacket with fox ears. I placed it around him, covering him with the hood.
"You'll get sick if you're like that." I already knew that he wouldn't want to speak to me, so with that, I left.


The next day, I was sitting with Sasuke at his desk. We were talking about what happened yesterday.
"I didn't give you that jacket just so you could go give it to someone else." He huffed in annoyance. I shrugged my shoulders.
"It was raining, you'd do the same if it was me." He blushed slightly hearing that. He flicked me on my forehead, giving me a pout.
"Be quiet." I giggled at him. Sasuke and I had a certain something. We weren't going out but we knew that we liked each other. This was something what was kept just between the two of us of course, if word got out, the fangirls would never leave us alone. A few moments later, I saw the same boy, from the day before, coming in. His eyes landed on me, then shifted to Sasuke. He hesitantly walked over, keeping his eyes locked on me. He rummaged through his book bag until he pulled out the orange jacket. He held his arm out, handing me the jacket.
I shook my head, handing it back. "I want you to keep it." I looked to Sasuke. "Is that alright with you?" He furrowed his eyebrows as he looked at me. I gave him a smile, making him blush slightly and slowly nod.
"I... guess that's alright." I looked back to the boy.
"So, what's your name?" He looked somewhat surprised.
"Uh... Naruto... Uzumaki Naruto." I smiled at him, extending my hand.
"I'm (L/N) (F/N)." I shook his hand.
"I'm Uchiha Sasuke." Sasuke just gave him a nod as he introduced himself.

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