𝐱𝐯𝐢. ᴡᴀʏs ᴏғ ʟɪғᴇ

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16 : Ways Of Life

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16 : Ways Of Life


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LOGAN RAISED HIS HANDS, EYES CLOSED AS THE WATER FOLLOWED THE MOVEMENT. His body moved like the water, steady, free - gentle. He bent to the will of the element as much as it bent to him.

"Woah." Logan's eyes snapped open and his gaze turned to Alec who was watching with his arms crossed over his chest. "You are amazing."

"I know," Logan smirked, causing Alec to shake his head at his cocky mate.

"Arrogant bastard." The vampire chucked and the Fae outright laughed.

"Where is the other part of the dynamic duo?" The ravenette asked furrowing his brows when he didn't see Jane by her brother's side. Since she had gotten here she had been attached to his hip.

"She is in Seattle hunting. Carlisle explained to her the treaty with the mu-wolves."

Logan gave Alec a look at his near mistake. "Sam will be relieved to hear that. Which reminds me that Emily wants to meet you so we are going to Forks to see her and Sam."

"Why are you warning me?"

"Because I need you to behave."


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LOGAN COULD FEEL ALEC'S NERVES FROM HIS SPOT IN THE DRIVER'S SEAT. They were on their way to Emily's and it was safe to say the vampire was a bit worried. Not that the Fae could blame his mate.

Alec had never been around shapeshifters, and the closest he had ever gotten to meeting one was fighting children of the moon. Which did not leave a good impression on the immortal teen.

"You're going to be fine, Alec." Logan rested a hand on the vampire's thigh. "Trust me."

"I trust you Logan." The brunette muttered, letting his gaze wander to the car window. "It's the other's that worry me." 

Logan chuckled as he turned onto the dirt road that led to Sam and Emily's house. "Well better get over those worries soon, because we are here."

Sam and Emily stood on the porch, a smile on the imprints face, while a stoic gaze was set on Sam's. 

"Sam." Logan greeted the wolf as he got out of the car. "Emily! You're looking as beautiful as ever." The girl in statement rolled her eyes, climbing off the porch to hug the Fae.

"Ever the flirt." Emily laughed. "Now where is this mate of yours I've been hearing so much about?"

"He's in the car hiding." The ravenette chuckled, hearing Alec grumble under his breath as he too exited the car. 

"I am not hiding." Alec sent Logan a sharp look as he came to stand by him, angling his body to be slightly behind his larger mate. 

"I see." Emily giggled, her body slightly tense when her eyes caught sight of Alec's red eyes. Sam stalked down from the porch, pulling his imprint closer to his side. 

Logan did the same with Alec, keeping a close eye on Sam. The Fae knew that the shifter would only attack if Alec did - but Logan wouldn't let that happen. 

"Sam, Emily - this is Alec Volturi, my kindred." Logan pushed Alec slightly forward. "Alec this is Sam Uley, my best friend and his fiance Emily Young."

"It's a pleasure to meet you." Alec gave a slight smile, sticking close to Logan's side. "Logan has told me so much about you both."

"All good things I hope." Emily chuckled before she looked up at Sam. "Say hello Sam, don't be rude."

"Nice to meet you, Alec." Sam's tone was short and clipped - making Alec shift slightly in place obviously uncomfortable. 

"Sam is the Alpha of the pack. You should see his wolf form." Logan gave his mate's shoulder a comforting squeeze.

Alec frowned, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion. "But it's daylight."

The Fae chuckled and gestured to Sam. "They aren't Children of the moon, Prince. Remember? They can shift at any time and anywhere."

"Really?" Alec peaked over at the shifter with a newfound curiosity. 

"Yes." Sam nodded his head, but before he could say more a loud yell drew the attention away from the group. 

"Dammit! I almost had her!" Paul snarled as he stormed into view, Jared and Embry behind him. "That red-headed leech is getting bolder every fucking day!"

"Paul!" Logan called out and the shifter turned to face his old babysitter - eyes narrowing when they landed on Alec. "What happened?"

"The leech came back! She always fucking comes back! I swear to god, whatever your niece did must have royally pissed her off." The hot-head growled, sending a glare to Jared when the shifter elbowed him. "No offense." He threw the statement to Alec, who was frowning.

"Bella? What does Bella have anything to do with this?" Logan turned to look at Sam. "Sam, do you know anything about this?"

"According to Jakob, the lee-vampire is after Bella." Then the shifter frowned, seeing the dark look in his friend's eyes. "Didn't she tell you?"

"No she fucking did not." Logan growled. "I need to talk to her now. Thank you for having us for this short time Emily, I am sorry we have to cut the visit short."

"It's okay Logan, come back anytime." Then she turned her attention to Alec. "You too, Alec."

"Thank you for your kindness Emily." Was all he got to say before Logan was dragging him away, and he chuckled slightly when he heard the wolves talking.

"Great going, Paul - you got Bella in trouble."

"Does it look like I care?" 

I know that I already posted this chapter - but I really wanted to add to it. We also didn't have any Logan x Alec moments, but never fear! 

The next chapter will be out soon!

How do you think Logan will respond to Victoria?

What is Alec going to do?

And does Jane know something.....



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