" there will always be grief after happiness, you must find thy reason to pursue"
soul of the rhythm chapter 4 : thy reasons
i don't know why but, i found myself staring at a girl on a photo...i looked around. she was there in most of the photo's. mom, went near me once again inside the room. she stared at the same photo...
"this girl was your biological mother..." she stopped at a moment and stare at me with her teary eyes while me, i looked at her like i have a giant question mark above my head...
"mom, what do you mean..." i asked eager to know answers from unknown question inside my head
"she was my best friend and your father's love of his life" she continued... not minding my question
She then sobbed a little
She handed me a picture (faced down)
I flipped the picture I saw her holding a baby with a man I didn't know who based on the back ground it is a hospital room.
She looked...
Who is this man...
And what does she mean with 'my biological mom'
I have so many questions in mind...
I have so many what if's that I couldn't even explain what
soul of the rhythm
Randomonly your heart knows what you truly love or, whom you truly are -trinity