Chapter 1

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Cruz was sitting at his bed. He looked down at his helix shaped birthmark. He thought about why, how he could be possibly immortal. Surely enough, all the times when his injuries healed too quickly came crashing back into his mind. "But it's impossible." He whispered under his breath. An arm came around his shoulder. He looked up to see Emmett's face. "Cruz. I know this is a shocking discovery. But you should take advantage of this. And, Doctor Hightower told us to assemble at the CAVE." Cruz gave his roommate a weak smile. He had told Emmet, Sailor, Lani straight away the shocking discovery, but not  another word about the archive. They had been speechless for a moment before saying anything. "But... That's logically impossible. It's against the code of science!" Emmett said. His glasses had settled on an intresting mixture of red, orange, purple, and a few shades of pink. Cruz even saw some mustard yellow dots. "Impossible." was all Sailor said.  Lani didn't even say anything. She had just hugged Cruz.  But Cruz felt like that was the most helpful thing done in history. He snapped back from his flashback and stood up abruptly, making Emmett jump. "Watch it!" He said, and together, they headed to the door, which was swung open by Lani, Sailor, Bryndis, and a rather green-looking Dugan. "Let's go!" Lani said. Bryndis and Sailor nodded. Cruz and Emmett headed out the door. 

When they gathered at the CAVE, Cruz's aunt, Aunt Maristol, stepped onto the stage. "I know you all have been grieving about Taryn's death." Everyone nodded. "Today, we have three major annoucements to make, and the first one is that we are getting you a new caretaker." Everyone's heads shot up, and Cruz heard a few bones crack. Emmett groaned from the seat beside his. "I think I got whiplash." Aunt Maristol was talking again. "I want you to greet with warm applause, Lillian Smith." A woman with flaming red hair in a bun and tanned skin stepped onto the stage. "Hi everybody. My name is Lillian Smith. I worked in a animal rescue team for four years and I have been working with a few scientists to find an antidote for people who have unfortunately lost their minds." A few people clapped. 'That's going to be a major discovery.' Thought Cruz. "The first announcement that I'm going to make as caretaker is that Dugan Marsh from Team Cousteau is going to leave us for the time being." Cruz turned around to look at Dugan in surprise. He had been talking about leaving, but he hadn't known it would actually turn into reality. Dugan went greener as he went down the steps to join Lillian. "Any words you would like to say to your teammates?" Asked Lillian. Dugan now looked like a sick tomato. "Umm.... Bye?" he muttered. Cruz laughed. 'That's so like Dugan.' He thought. "Now it's time to make the third announcement. " Lillian said. "To fill up for Dugan, a new student is going to join us as a member of team Cousteau." Emmett punched his arm lightly. "Wonder who it's going to be." He whispered. Bryndis was leaning forward in her seat. A girl stepped up to join Lillian and Aunt Maristol. She had shoulder length black hair tied in a low ponytail and blue grey eyes. "Hi. My name is Raven. Nice to meet you. " Cruz clapped along with the crowd. "And that's all for now. Since today is Sunday but Lillian doesn't know about Funday yet, you should all go back to your dorms." Aunt Maristol finished. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2021 ⏰

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