is it just a mistake?

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After the fog cleared up once again moving us into one of the locations the Entity prepared for the trials I looked around trying to find my teammates.

"try not to fuck up like last time"

I turned around and Bill was glaring at me. "you got both me and Jake killed last trial"

"I'm really sorry I tried but-

"I'm not in the mood for your excuses. I'm actually never in the mood for them you manage to find an excuse for everything. Try fixing yourself instead of saying sorry after every time you fuck something up." After he was done he spit on the ground next to me and walked away.

I stood in place not knowing how to feel about whag he said.

'He's right..'

"Hey Sira, you found a gen yet?"

"oh, hey Jake" I smiled at the man who put his mask down to talk to me. "umm no not yet"

"that's fine, let me search for it with you" he smiled and took my hand, leading me to the corners of the map so we're less likely to be seen.

"hey Jake, there's one" I said and pointed at the one in shack.

Jake sighed and looked at me.

"listen, there's a high chance of us getting spotted and even caught there, I'm gonna check if there's a basement okay?"

"sure I'll wait here for you"

The man slowly looked around tbe corner into the wooden building.

He then turned around and motioned for me to walk to him.

"there's no basement, and that's the only reason I'm letting you stay" he crouched and started fixing tbe wires.

'so he also thinks I would get us caught'

I looked at the wires, mind hazy and not able to remember how the colors should be connected.

"you okay?" Jake looked at me, stopping the repair to wave his hand in front of my face.

"yeah just tired"

"haha you're always tired" he laughed.

I'm not sure if he meant it in a bad way  but even if he didn't I'm still gonna think he did.

I still kept looking at the wires until I felt someone grab my shoulder.

"if you're not gonna be useful - MOVE"

"Come on Bill, they're not used to the trials yet" Jake got up and pushed him away slightly.

"listen, I could not care less. THEY STOOD THERE DOING NOTHING. WASTING OUR TIME!"

I could feel the tears but I wasn't gonna let him know he hurt me. I would just get called names again.

"I'm sorry Bill"

"I don't give a shit go find another person to annoy" he said and crouched down to finish the generator Jake and me started.

I felt Jake grab my hand and lead me out.

"Did you forget the color combination?" he asked after we were out of earshot from Bill.

"I'm really sorry"

"no, no don't apologize. It's fine really, it took me over 10 trials the remember them, I kept blowing them up and getting caught" he smiled and rubbed his neck. "this is your 4th one, 6 more to go" he laughed and lead me to another one.

"Bet It's gonna take me 9"

"oho someone is being cocky" he laughed and crouched next to me to a side of the generator.

"do you know how warm-cold colors work?"

"uhmm.. plue and purple colors and cold ones and red and yellow r warm colors"

"exactly, good job" he smiled. "now, it took me a while to realise the Entity didn't want us pairing the colors cold-cold and warm-warm but to mix them up. So red goes with blue and-

"Purple goes with yellow."

"yes. See It's not hard" he moved away to the other side to start working on it.

Just as we both started we heard another person approaching.

"hey guys" I turned around to see who it was.

"oh hi Dwight" I waved at him, frogetting I had the wire in my hand and accidentally blowing the gen up.

'oh no'

I fell from the blow and didn't get up.

They're gonna yell at me. I really didn't mean to.

"hey, hey, no no no" Jake ran up to me and crouched down next to me.

"are they okay?" Dwight asked Jake and je looked up at him.

"not sure.. but could you maybe distract the killer? Take my flashlight I don't think I'm gonna need it anyways."

"sure thing" Dwight said and took the item from Jake then ran away.

"HEY YOU" Dwight yelling and both me and Jake looked into his direction.

"oh shit.." Jake stood up and helped me stand up too.

He led me behind a slightly bigger rock where we could hide.

"hey look at me It's gonna be okay" He said as be removed his gloves to hold hands. "It's gonna be fine, just look at me."

I lifted my head and look at him. He was smiling at me. And he looked like he actually cared.

"I'm sorry-

"Don't you even dare apologize, you got distracted and it happened."

Just as he said that we felt the ground shaking, meaning the gate is open.

"Let's go." He took my hand and began walking into the direction of one of the gates.

We suddenly both felt a shiver.

"I haven't felt him tier up the whole game..not until now-"

I began and Jake froze.

"SHIT. RUN!" He began running and pulling me with him.

We saw Michael.

His hand was open.





I felt Jake throw me aside right in front of the killer, instantly getting grabbed by him and stabbed through the stomache.

"GO" I felt someone grab me from the ground. Dwight.

And just before he could pull me out I saw Jake. His body laying lifeless under Myers.

My mistake got him killed.. again.

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