Chapter One

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Ren Kameyo was perched up on a high building, peering down at the city she swore to protect.

Known as No.3 pro-hero Oracle to the citizens of Mufasa Japan, to her family, Ren was but a mere fifteen year old child.

Today was a quiet day. It was one filled with the silence of the city, the humming of the cars and the idle chatter of the people around her.

Her eyes were closed, images of the future fluttering behind her lashes over and over again like a film.

Her quirk was called Premonition.

It allowed her to not only tell the future of anything and anyone she looked at but in battle she was able to manipulate time to efficiently strike her opponents down.

The hood that hid away her dark locks was perched on her head and a black ski mask hid her nose and mouth from view.

Her bright blue eyes were the only thing that could be seen from under the hood of her hero costume. The same eyes that glowed bright gold when her quirk was in use.

She knew tonight was going to be a quiet night.

Her rounds were always easy to get through, considering she knew an attack was coming hours before it actually happened.

The quirk in question was overpowered yes... however the drawbacks were less than ideal.

For every hour she used her quirk, that was another hour she lost her vision.

Ren joked about having part time blindness. Truth was that the darkness frightened her. She hated the dark with a passion.

She hated it so much that it was so hard to sleep at night without having panic attacks at going completely blind.

She kept a walking stick on her at all times. She usually became blind after heavy usage of her quirk. With heavy training, she could use her abilities for hours and hours upon end without repercussion in battle.

After the battle was when the fear really hit.

Her shift ended at around six in the morning. She stepped off the building ledge, falling and falling... a grin on her lips.

Gasps filled the air, citizens watching the pro-hero in awe. She flips midair and lands like a cat, standing up and walking over to her favourite coffee shop.

She was crowded in seconds. Kids and adults alike asking for her autograph. She laughs good-heartedly, and everyone listens adoringly.

Oracle was known for a laugh that sounded like bells. It was soft and sweet and obviously kind. Anyone who heard her laugh couldn't help but smile.

She signs autographs over and over until her lovely fans were all appeased.

Waving sweetly at the citizens she walks into the coffee store only to find her regular coffee already made and prepped.

"Thanks, Linda!!" Oracle waves, plopping down a couple hundred yen for the store owner who deserved much more money than she earned.

Oracle walks back to her agency, slipping through the shadows and effectively changing back into her school uniform.

Her dark hair twists and the uniform was shoved safely within at least three bags in her own backpack.

A call on her phone has her picking up with a tired yawn, "Hey Keigo." She muses and the man who was like an older brother to her glowers at her from the other end of the line.

"What are you doing?!!! You need to get your ass over here." He scowls, "How the hell am I supposed to deal with-" He starts to whisper dramatically. "- Endeavor alone??!"

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