Chapter 1: The chapter where Alex finds out an ugly secret about Zach...

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It was a Saturday night in the squad house when Alex was scrolling through her phone. She was watching fan made tiktoks when she received a notification from Discord.

Your friend, Zachy Poo 💖💖, just started a new group! Why don't you check it out?

Alex: Hmm, Zach started a new group. I'll see if he wants to chat.

Alex tried to write 'hi' in the chat, nobody else had texted yet. But when she tried to text, it said:

Sorry, you don't have permission to type in this chat. Why don't you try:
● Asking the owner for permission to send messages.
●Checking your WiFi connection.
●Closing down Discord and re-entering the app.

Alex: Hmm, that's weird, why would Zach not give me permission to text? Oh well, I'll just go back into the app later.

10 minutes later

Alex: It's been 10 minutes, I'll go back into the server.

She went into the new server, but was shocked at what she saw. Zach had texted 'hey babe 💌💗💗💗' in the chat, but he wasn't telling that to Alex. It was another user named, 'InotErzaa'.

Alex's mind: Oh, it's okay, calm down Alex, it's probably just a prank hehe, it's probably nothing more than Zach talking to a bot to prank me. Right?

Zachy Poo 💖💖
So, what ya wanna do for that date on Tuesday, princess? 😘

Whatever you wanna do mah love 😜🥰

And that was when Alex knew this WASN'T a joke. She threw herself to the floor and broke down in despair: It was the worst she'd ever felt in her life. Tears streamed down her soft, delicate face as if her golden, majestic eyes were volcanoes erupting and spewing out scorching, hot lava made with pure hatred and heartbreak. The rest of the squad was away. All of them except for Levi, one of Alex's best friends. He was watching anime eating happy burger when he heard a THUMP! coming from Alex's room. Levi immediately ran to Alex's bedroom. The door swung open, and Levi was horrified to see his best friends in tears on the pink,fluffy rug.

363 words.

By xXGalaxy_BeansXx

Yeah, we are just friends........ (Alex x Levi/Alevi/Lalex)Where stories live. Discover now