SCP-6108 The Possessed Car

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Item #: SCP-6108

Object Class: Thaumiel

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6108 is to be kept in a 3m x 3m x 3m holding cell under video surveillance and staffed by two (2) guards. The walls are to be made of reinforced steel seven (7) inches thick as SCP-6108 is an excellent escape artist.

Updated Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6108 is to be kept in a 6m x 3m x 8m holding cell under video surveillance and staffed by four (4) guards with SCP-6109. The walls are to be made of reinforced steel seven (7) inches thick as SCP-6108 is an excellent escape artist.

Under no circumstances should SCP-6108 be given access to escape or nitrous oxide.

Description: SCP-6108 is a 1970 Chrysler 300 hurst model car. It is bright orange in color and has the ability to regenerate missing parts. SCP-6108 appears to be able to attach a battering ram to its front bumper and will wreak havoc with it. SCP-6108 seems to only want to cause chaos and not casualties. It has the personality of a rebellious teenage (16-18) male and will often be sarcastic. SCP-6108 was created when the three-mile island accident happened. When the reactor exploded and the radiation hit SCP-6108. It gained consciousness and escaped before he was utterly destroyed.

Addendum 6053-1: As of ██/██/████ SCP-6108 is no longer allowed to see SCP-999 as he allowed 999 to sit on his dashboard. He then proceeded to breach containment with SCP-999 while blasting the song, "Trippin' down the freeway," by ███████. They then went to Freddy's Frozen Custard and Steakburgers. When SCP-6108 floored the gas pedal SCP-999 flew back and hit the back windshield. SCP-999's face slid around to face the people in the cars behind them. He then stuck out his tongue and oozed back to the dash.

Addendum 6053-2: ██/██/████; SCP-6108 returned to containment on its own bringing a possessed 2015 Subaru Sti pro drive who was soon classified as SCP-6108. Later on, they realized that the only reason that SCP-6108 was escaping was to visit his "Girlfriend". They then proceeded to expand SCP-6108's cells and contain them together. His "Girlfriend" (SCP-6109), seems to calm SCP-6108 down and stop him from breaching containment.

Addendum 6053-3: ██/██/████; An event that was later named the possessed car signature, SCP-6108 got out of containment during repairs then roared down the highway with his girlfriend at 160 mph while blasting "Trippin' down the freeway". They then caused a 16 car crash on I 70, 19 police and 12 SCP vehicles were damaged or totaled by this escape. Fortunately, no one was killed or seriously injured. After about an hour of chasing, SCP-6108 and SCP-6109 returned to containment on their own.

SCP-6108 Partial Testing Log - select experiments only

For full test records and reports, contact affiliated researchers for authorization

Date: ██/██/████

Intent: Investigation into ways of communication.

Summary of test results: The results were very conclusive and SCP-6108 will communicate through morse code. SCP-6108 will flash his lights in a series of short and long flashes to communicate. SCP-6108 became agitated when he was told he could not leave containment. SCP-6108 spoke about a possessed .... Tank that was imported to ███████. This was worrisome for the foundation as a possessed tank could cause a large about of damage.

Date: ██/██/████

Intent: Investigation into the possessed .... Tank that SCP-6108 spoke of

Summary of test results: The results were once again very conclusive and SCP-6108 gave plenty of information about the possessed .... Tank. According to SCP-6108, the tank has the personality of a ..... Containment of the possessed .... Tank is still pending. 

(Any .... are bits I need to fill)

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