my butt

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Once upon time there was zebra who had no friends.That zebras name was...rowan. so a new zebra came her name was nicole. She became rowans friend cuz they both had no friends.
Rowan just decided to randomly run away. She kept running and didnt look down and their was a cliff so she fell and nicole went to save her but it was a short cliff (yes) then they kept falling off cliff until they fell into a bottom less cliff but then they fell in kingkow!
The zebras found brady and boomer and they got married! Then they had lanny children! Then the lannys made fishes! Then the fishes died cuz lannyys didnt feed them! SO the fish ghost kills lanny! Then lanny ghost killed brady and boommer cuz he wanted to.. so then rowan and nicole stole their money cuz why not..then they kept running again until they fell in to magcon world...they met matt and cameron! But they were blind so they couldnt see nicole and rowan! Nicole and rowan fell in love with matt and cam amd so did matt and cam! Cam ended up marrying nicole. And rowan and matt married each other! Then matt and cam found they were married to zebras so they killed them selfs then rowan and nicole killed them self because they were sad that cam and matt killed them selfs then they met in heaven and remarried and lived happly ever after :)

Cam and matt tho and maybe POKWhere stories live. Discover now