Chapter Twenty Five "Out Of The Forest"

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[24th June 2020,Thursday]
{8:00 p.m}

Meme groaned in pain as he felt a headache came, it's like getting stabbed by thousands of knifes. He slowly sat up, ignoring the pain as he looked around his surroundings.

He found himself laying flat on his back on the beach. The sky had became dark with the moon and stars only shiny brightly in the dark sky. He looked through his left and widen his eyes in horror at the scene.

Even though it's kinda dark for Meme to see, but he could clearly see that the forest that he and his friends were in before was all gone. All those green leaves were burned into ashes, leaving all those brown branches in the dark without a 'shirt'.

"MEME!" A familiar voice startled him as he turned his head but only got tackled by a person hard. "Oh my god! I thought you died! Please don't ever do that again, you stupid idiot!" The voice spoke up again as Meme could felt the fear and relief in his tone.

"..." Meme didn't responded to him but hugged him back as he remembered the familiar warm that belonged to a certain person in the gang. He smiled but soon snapped out of it as he remembered something important.

Meme pushed his friend away as he remembered the action he did. "Y-You burned the forest! Why are you here, Blaza?! Are you gonna kill me or something?!" He yelled at him, making his blonde haired teen froze.

"Meme! Please before you freak out even more, let me just explain first!" Blaza pleaded him as he look at his blue friend with guilt and fear. Meme slowly relaxed a bit but still keeping his guard up for any upcoming attacks from his friends.

"Go on..." He mumbled.

Blaza took a deep breath. "So... the last thing I remember before waking up in a... terrible situation was hearing the bomb exploded sound." Meme nodded slowly in response.

"When I wake up, I realised I'm in a cave with you, Muffin, Joocie and Woolf. I tried to talk to you guys but I couldn't, instead I was having these weird thoughts and I was talking but that it wasn't actually me who was talking..." Blaza explained.

Seeing Meme didn't question anything,he continued on. "It felt like... another person was inside my body, controlling my movement...."

Meme was gasped in shock as Blaza continued on. "And you know what is the scary part is.... I saw Laff, Nadwe and Tbh, I can like see through them, like... like they are ghosts or something"

Meme blinked in surprise. He saw Nadwe before but the fourteen year old kid wasn't like able to see through or anything... but he also didn't expect that even Laff and Tbh are around them too... wait- what about Dino-?

"I know this is hard to believe but-!" Blaza quickly exclaimed but was interrupted by his blue friend. Meme held up his hands, signalling him to stop. "The part that you were being controlled is a little hard to believe... but I trust you at the part where you could see... them..." He spoke.

"R-Really-?" Blaza exclaimed in shock and surprise.

Meme nodded in response as he questioned once again. "Do you know who's like controlling you? Like do you talk to him or her before?" Blaza shook his head in response. "I-I did talk to him or her before... but not actually talk, it's like mind communication something... but I can't identity the person voice or gender" He explained.

"So.. this person that is killing all of us isn't actually anyone in the gang?" Meme tried to conclude the whole situation as he spoke. Blaza nodded as he answered him. "You could said that...."

"Then...who is it...?" Meme thought as he sighed.

[24th June 2020,Thursday]
{8:30 p.m.}

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