Chapter 1; Fell From The Sky

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Y/n stood up slowly groaning at the fact she had to go to school, high school sucked ass. She HATED it there, not because she had to learn but because of the way they teach.

Y/n sighed as she decided she would go, not like she had a choice with her mother forcing her to anyway.

~Time skip because I'm lazy af and who wants to read about her getting ready??~

She walked down the empty footpath (don't ask why it's empty, for I cannot answer that) on the way to h e double hockey sticks- I mean school. Her [E/C} eyes closed as she thought about what could happen today, she was not expecting what would. 

"AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH" Y/n's eyes shot open at the screams that rippled through the air, the main source coming from above. She watched in shock as a group of people fell to the floor, she cringed as there bodies hit the hard floor. The group all groaned in pain simultaneously.

'Oof, that would've hurt man' She thought.

"Damn, that must've hurt like a butt cheek on a stick. Are you all okay??" She asked and added a little bit of humor, she chuckled at her self before focusing on the group of- Cosplayers? On the sidewalk. 

A man around the height of 5'3" walked up to her, she hadn't even realized he had stood up. Y/n was trying to hold in her laughter at the fact he was shorter than her by a few inches, she was 5'5". (I tried to make it so that it was in the middle to try and make it fair for everyone.)

"We're fine, now who are you brat?" He questioned with a stern look on his pale-ish face.

"Calm down mate, no need to be salty," Y/n rolled her eyes "I'm Y/n, and you are?"

"Levi Ackerman, I have a few questions" He stated.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa.. hol' up- Levi Ackerman?" She began to laugh like a maniac "Yeah no, what's your real name. I didn't ask for the name of who you're cosplaying."

"Cosplaying? And that is the Captains real name.. Where are we?" A male with bi-colored hair asked as he seemed to question his life choices.

"Wait, you guys aren't cosplaying?" She was so confused.. "You're in America.. How could you not know that?? Unless you really are.." Her eyes widened.

They all looked at her confused, by now all of them had stood up.

She silently screamed. Sure they fell from the sky but she didn't expect them to be the actual characters from Attack On Titan!?

Yes I know it's a short chapter but i haven't written a story in a while now, when I say that I mean I haven't written stories to post. The characters aren't particularly from any season, mostly due to the fact that Marco won't be dead. If you dislike that then please click off this book, and find another, I don't really want any hate but I would appreciate it if you'd give me ideas or point out any errors I have made.

Story total: 432

Word total: 522

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