The baby

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Namjoon POV

Me and the guys road back home after rehearsal. Once we arrived at home we all got out the car grabbed our bags and walk to the door. " guys" Teahyung says as he gets to the door we all look down and see a baby in a basket. " get her inside it's freezing out here" Jimin says I nod my head. Teahyung picks the baby up from out the basket and carries it inside I pick up the basket and then see a note on the ground. " kookie can you grab that note" I say jungkook nods his head. We then all walk in Teahyung has the baby on his lap and I put the basket down. " was there a note" Teahyung says. " yeah there was" suga says. " dear people at the house this is my daughter Mia Mia is 9months old but I couldn't take care of her anymore she was to much work and I don't have the money please take care of her her birthday is on April 6th" Jungkook reads. " Now what it's late and she has no bed" Hobi says. " we could get to a store fast and get the things we absolutely need" jin says. " alright let's do that" I say I then look over at Teahyung and see the baby awake and smiling at Teahyung who makes funny faces to her. " what she was awake" Teahyung says we all laugh a little bit we then get back in the car Teahyung was still holding the baby. We drove to a store and got all the things we need we then drove back home. " alright tea you keep Mia with you we'll get her room ready while kookie gets her dinner ready and our dinner" I say tea nods his head we then all put things together I put the crib together with Suga Jin and Jimin put the chair together and Hobi puts the bounce chair together.

Mia's room

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Mia's room

Mia's chair

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Mia's chair

Mia's bounce chair

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Mia's bounce chair

We then all walk down and see Teahyung on the floor playing with Mia. " this is just adorable" Jimin says. " guys dinner is ready" jungkook says" we walk to the kitchen Teahyung puts Mia in the chair. Jungkook puts a bottle on the table and same baby food. And we have some pizza sinds Jungkook can make that very well. Teahyung feeds Mia and then eat himself. We've decided to let Mia play for a little while sinds we want to get to know her a little better so we put a blanket near the couch and put her on it. " guys what will we do" jimin says all of a sudden. " what do you mean" we all say. " I mean what will we do with Mia are we going to adopt her" Jimin says. " of course we are tomorrow we'll go to the courthouse and adopt her officially" Suga says. " and what about our rehearsals" jin says. " she'll just come along and watch us" Teahyung says. " and our concerts" Hobi asked. " she'll just sit backstage" I say. " and when and how will we tell our fans" Jungkook says. " not sure yet maybe we'll put it on our Instagram" I say. " that's great but then tomorrow when she's officially our daughter" Suga says. " and what's gonna be her last name" Teahyung says. " I vote for Kim and when we break up as a band Teahyung gets to take her with her" Jungkook says we all nod. " aww thanks guys but you'll all still see her then I promise" Teahyung says. Mia then start to cry Teahyung picks her up and start to rock her. " kook can you make her a bottle" Teahyung says Jungkook nods his head and walk to the kitchen. After a while Jungkook walks back in with a bottle of milk and hands it to Teahyung who then feeds her. " I'm gonna put her to bed" Teahyung says as he gets up after feeding her. " alright nightly night Mia" we all say. Mia then waves.

Teahyung POV

I walked upstairs with Mia in my arms. Once we got to her room I put her down on her changing table grab the Pyjama we brought and put it on. I put her in bed put the night light on and sing her a little song. " nighty night Mia I love you" I say Mia waves at me and I walk out I put the big light out and leave the door a little bit open. I walk back downstairs and the guys are cleaning the toys up. " is she asleep" jimin says. " yes" I say we then watch a movie

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2021 ⏰

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