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I wake up from the bed when sun rises on my face. This sun always disturbing my good sleep. I stood up from the bed and found me naked and saw angad was sleeping peacefully on the bed and he too naked and I took the bedsheet and covered myself .

What happened here ? Oh god I don't remember anything that's means........ No how should I give him space ? How dare this Angad took the chance . I will not leave him he should pay for it .

And I took a pillow from the bed and started to hit on his face

Baby what are you doing ! Let me to sleep . I am tried I can't do a another round , he said

How dare you , I said and again hitting him

Stop it baby ! What are you doing ? Don't hit me , he said while rubbing his eyes

Right , I shouldn't have to hit you ! I should kill you , I said

Oh dose is full over ah , he said

What dose ? What over ? What are taking about ? , I asked him

Yesterday you drunken fully , I hope your alcohol dose got overed now , he said

I drunk ? What are you talking ? Are you mad , I asked him

Yes I am mad ! I am mad for you baby , he said

Stop it and don't flirt with me I am not that old dharshi you think , I warned him

Yeah you are not old dharshi ! I saw you yesterday itself , he said

What happened yesterday ? , I asked him

Whatever should happen between a lover boy and a lover girl it happened baby , he said

So you used the chance ! no you trapped me ! You only made me to drink right . I just ordered orange juice that's it so it's not orange juice it's a bloody alcohol you preferred for me ! How cheap you are angad , I said and search my dresses and went restroom and dressed up myself and came outside and saw him he was dressed up himself and sitting like a statue .

I leave from here and don't follow me back , I said and way to left from their but he stopped me

Baby please listen to me . I don't trapped you don't think me like that ! When you ask me that you want me that time I can't control myself I really sorry I don't do like that when you are not in right State , he apologizes

So if their is any girl means also you will do like that right you cheap minded fellow , I said and pushed aside and left from the room

I can't ! Don't compare others and you , he said while following me

I should compare . For you every girls are just to satisfy your needs , I said

I accepted I used so many girls for my needs in past but I never thought you like that never ! , He said

I don't want to talk to you ! Just leave me alone , I said

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