Champagne Problems

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The morning breeze woke Luorix up and her feelings felt lighter after talking to Armin last night. She also made up her mind about leaving the headquarter to breathe, to move on. She prepared her small bag that she's going to use, and she put her money inside of it also, she managed to steal four bottles of liquor with 95% alcohol last night in the kitchen. She wanted to get drunk once she reached a lodging house in Trost District.

After she took a bath and got dressed, she carried her bag like it's trash, so she won't look suspicious. She opened her door and to her surprise she saw Levi in front of her door, tucking himself and peacefully sleeping. She felt a heavy feeling while looking at him and wonders why he slept there. She went back inside her room because her tears are starting to fall and needs to wipe them. She took a deep breath and once again, she opened the door and the light from her room woke Levi up.

"Good morning captain." She greeted him with a smile but since he just woke up, he just nodded.

She walked past him and went down to put her bag outside where no one will see it. She can hear the new recruits doing some early morning jog, so she rushed to go inside of the headquarters. The kitchen is quite far from the door she went in, so it took her five minutes to get there. She's going to prepare their usual breakfast bread and fried potatoes, but she decided to cook some garlic rice and the last bunch of sausages that Captain Lucius left two weeks ago. It's her last day with the Scout Regiment it's hard for her because she already got attached to them, but for her peace and sanity, she needs to distance herself.

She was chopping garlic when Levi entered the kitchen and the awkward air flows inside so, she kept herself busy to ignore him.

Levi on the other hand looks at her and felt sad because everything has changed when his immaturity and pride won over his genuine feelings for her. He prepared two cups of tea one for him and one for Luorix. He did that because it's his way of saying sorry for ignoring her like a brat. He placed the cup of tea near her, and she didn't notice it because she was sauteing the garlic.

He picked up his cup and left the kitchen.

Luorix turned around to get some salt from the glass jar on the table and she saw a cup with tea, and she wonders who placed it there. She knows who makes this kind of drink, Levi, but why? She asks herself. She doesn't like steaming hot drinks that's why she lets it cool first.

Levi is still there just peeking behind the door, watching her from afar because he doesn't have any guts to talk to her. After that, he went outside to watch over the new recruits. He saw that there's a commotion and the recruits are grouping into a circle. He rushed to check it and he saw that two of their new recruits got injured.

"Oi, brats what the hell happened here?" Levi said coldly.

"Captain, they bumped to each other after the sprint." Connie said nervously and he just looked at him then he approached the two injured soldiers.

"Oi, tell me what part of your body hurts?" Levi asked then the two showed their wounded arm and they pointed at their head.

He stood up and said, "Braus and Arlert, call Dr. Luorix to check these two brats."

"Yes, sir!" Armin and Sasha shouted and run to get Luorix out of the headquarters.

A few minutes later they all saw Armin and Sasha running together with Luorix and all of the boys blushed when they saw her hair bun loosen its tie, revealing her long black hair that has waves because of the buns. Levi saw their reaction and was about to call their attention, but Luorix came and kneeled to check the injured soldiers.

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