I love you

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"What if I tell him how much he means to me? What if he doesn't feel the same way as I do towards him?"

Tul walked down the stairs, letting out a heavy sigh feeling all dejected.

Tul and his nine friends lived together in a house that Tay bought when they started university so that they can all live together instead of living in separate dorms. They wanted to spend more time together just as they promised when they were kids, and luckily for them, they have rich Tay who made their dream finally come true. Tul was always the crazy one among them, and the one with too much energy, he was the one who was able to change everyone's mood with his bright smile and his ways to bring joy whenever he felt like one of them was not feeling right. He was literally the symbol of comfort in the group, and the one who gave hugs and love the most to them all. They trusted him the most because they could talk with him about anything and take his advice in everything as if he was the mother of his group.

"Pakorn! You're finally awake!" New yelled as soon as he saw Tul entering the kitchen, he ran towards him, grabbed his arm, and pulled him behind him to the living room where everyone was sitting and watching some show, which they all enjoyed together.

"Hey Tul!" Tay, Max, Great, Md, Off, Gun, Bhu and Putter all said at once greeting their precious friend.

"Sit here, I'll make us all some hot chocolate, it's so cold today. you don't need to do anything today, I'll do everything!" New gently pushed Tul to the sofa for him to sit and rest.

Confused, Tul was wondering why New was acting all weird that day, he had never done anything related to kitchen work before; whenever he entered the kitchen to cook anything, he would burn everything down and end up waiting for him or Gun to cook for him.

A few moments later, New came back to the living room asking Gun to come help him because he just remembered that he didn't know how to make hot chocolate making everyone laugh their hearts out as he pouted his lips out of embarrassment.

Great sat down next to Tul and pulled him into a warm hug while Md hugged him from the other side placing their heads on his shoulders.

"What is happening? Why are you all hugging me all of a sudden?" he asked, as he froze in the middle like a wall, not moving an inch.

"Tul!" Off yelled from the other side of the room, "Isn't that the movie that you liked the most when we were in high school?" he added while showing Tul the DVD cover.

"Yes, it is! And it still is my favourite of all time," Tul replied, "But why did you suddenly remember it?"

"Nothing much, just wanted to watch a nice movie and thought about the one you liked before," Off answered and turned on the TV to play the movie. In the meantime, New and Gun walked in giving each of the boys a mug of hot chocolate with marshmallows on top of them and big colored cookies; Tul's cookie was the biggest with more chocolate and colored sprinkles on it.

As the movie ended, everyone was smiling and discussing how nice the movie was, and there was Tul with a pained smile on his face, tears filling his eyes but he was trying his best not to let them out, all silent as he played with his fingers. He was trying to hide what he felt then, but it was so obvious that something wasn't right at all. He sighed, placing his mug on the table that was placed in the middle of the room.

"Tul," Gun said and kneeled in front of him holding his hands and gently rubbing them. "Can we talk?" he added and looked up at him. Tul then nodded a little as he felt Gun's warm hands.

Max kneeled next to Gun too and held Tul's other hand "So," he said before gently tickling Tul's fingers.

"So what?" Tul asked as he stared deeply into Max's eyes, dropping his sight to Max's lips and then scanning all the details of the man's face; the way he looked at this man was very different from how he looked at his other friends, his eyes were full of sparkles and sadness that was clearly visible.

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