the crash

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there was a car crash and the glass hit the window and she was going to break out when she saw firemen coming and they had the jaws of life and got her out as for her son well she didn't if he was ok but liza saw a ambulance and the driver said"spine ingry and he put a coller on her neck and said "whatever you do don't move your neck and she said "do you know if my son owen will be ok? and his nametag said Vince and he said"well mam i don't know he's in another ambulance but we will be there at the hospital soon and she said "ok mister green eyes sorry I noticed them and he said"aw i see i can allso see your brain is fine and she said "yea but my body feels like it was ran over bye a mower and he said"well you were hit head on i think you have a spinel ingry but we don't know oh we are at the hospital and he said"heres my cell number me sometime and she said"maybe when if when this is all thats when I'm all better and he said"defendtly and there's your son i think and they both were taking in to the hospital and
it turns out she did have a spinel ingry and liza edended up breaking her lower part of her back and she ended up in a wheelchair but her son was ok and one day she called Vince back and said"hi i did break my lower part of my back and he said "that sucks but is your son ok"?yea he does not have anything wrong with him and a mouth went bye and they were dating that long and liza said"can you give me my meds im in alot of pain and he did

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