~Merry Christmas Sei-kun~

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Kuroko sipped on his vanilla shake as he followed Kise from store to store, his roommate had left all his Christmas shopping to the very last minute and everyone was coming over later today to celebrate. He smiled as he received a message from his lover.

'I can't wait to see you tonight Tetsuya ;)'

'It's only been 3 days Sei-kun....'

'Still... that's far too long for me to be away from my Tetsuya'

Kuroko sighed happily typing out another reply as he followed Kise into a jewellery store, just then he remembered he had something to pick up from said place. After paying off his parcel he went over to Kise who was struggling on a gift for his lover, Aomine. On their walk home, Kuroko picked up some last minute groceries for later.

"Kurokocchiii" Kise whined "why is wrapping so hard?"

"It's not hard Kise-kun, you're just doing it wrong" kuroko smiled walking over from the kitchen to help him.

"See?" Kuroko said tying a green bow around the now neatly wrapped box.

"Kurokocchi you're the best!" Kise hollered engulfing him in a tight hug, Kuroko smiled ruffling his hair before heading back to the kitchen.

Just as Kuroko was placing the last present under the tree, his doorbell rang. "Right on time, as always Sei-kun". He smiled, greeting his boyfriend with a kiss on the cheek as Kagami and the rest of the miracles made their way inside.

"An Akashi is never late Tetsuya" Akashi smirked, squeezing Kuroko's ass as he gently kicked the door closed following kuroko into the kitchen.

After the food everyone moved to the lounge to get ready for presents, "who's playing Santa this year?" Kagami asked looking around at everyone.

"I'm glad you asked Kagami-kun" Kuroko smiled picking up a small box with candy canes sticking out the top, "whoever picks the smallest candy cane has to be Santa".

"This is a game I can get behind Kuro-Chin" Murasakibarra hummed pulling the first candy, after that everyone else did the same.

"Of course Murasakibarra got the biggest one" Midorima sighed fixing his glasses.

"Looks like it's Akashi!" Aomine pointed, his loud laughter suddenly quieting when Akashi brandished a pair of scissors.

"Come on Akashi-kun" Kuroko spoke prying the scissors from his grip, "you couldn't be any worse than Kagami-kun mixing up everyone's gifts last year" he smiled pulling him into a sidelong hug.

"Ehh..? Hey! I wasn't THAT bad!" Kagami grumbled glaring at him.

"You gave the snacks I got Murasakibarra to Ryota" Akashi sighed raising a brow at him.

"Yeah... my shoulder still hurts from the crushing he gave me" Kagami grumbled rubbing his arm.

"You deserved it Kaga-Chin" Murasakibarra chimed in, his candy cane almost devoured.

After kuroko helped Akashi change into Santa they made their way back into the lounge and started the gift giving, Kuroko smiled as everyone opened his presents. Soon enough all the presents were gone, all but one at least.

He smiled to himself as he retrieved the last present, ordering Akashi to sit down as only he could. "Here Santa.. I hope you like it" Kuroko teased handing Akashi the delicately wrapped present, knowing full well he was going to be 'scolded' later tonight after everyone was gone.

"Thank you, Tetsuya" Akashi smiled opening his present. Inside was a pair of golden ruby encrusted scissors with his name engraved along the side. "These will definitely come in handy" he grinned as he pulled them from their casing, testing their throwing ability. Kagami and the rest of the miracles stared at Kuroko in utter horror.

"What the hell were you thinking Tetsu?!"

"Bad Kurokocchi! Don't encourage him!"

"Thanks a lot Kuro-chin"

"This will not end well..."

"Really Kuroko? You couldn't think of ANYTHING else?!"

"I think they're wonderful Tetsuya, thank you" Akashi smiled kissing his boyfriend seeing how nervous he was. Kuroko blushed hiding his face in Akashi's shoulder.

After presents they all decided to clean up and have a movie night, Kise insisted that they watch a Christmas movie because "that's what you watch on Christmas!" Of course we all agreed. Everyone was snuggled up with their blankets and snacks, Kise was snuggling with Aomine and the others were fighting for the best spot on the sofa.

Kuroko was in between Akashi's legs, his head leant back against his boyfriend's chest as his arms wrapped around him making him feel safe and warm. It was their fifth Christmas as a couple and he wouldn't want it any other way, he enjoyed sharing this moment with everyone who was special to him. Taking in a big breath of air, he smiled to himself. If this was how the rest of his life was going to be, he wouldn't want it any other way.

"I love you Sei-kun"

"I love you too Tetsuya, merry Christmas".

Hi guys, thank you for reading this first story. It came to mind when I was thinking of what the GOM would get Akashi for Christmas, considering he already has it all.

If you liked it please feel free to comment and/or vote, until the next time I have a good idea.

See you soon :)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2021 ⏰

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