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"Dominic!! Hurry up!!" I scream at my husband of 8 years. "I'm coming I'm coming!!" his deep voice frantically rings out. He gets downstairs and is all dressed for work. "And you're sure you have to work today??" I sigh. "Yes babe. I'm sure. Pops already agreed to watch Austien and Arabella." He mentions. "No, I'm taking Austien with me." Today I have to go to my Best Friend, practically Sister, Felicia's wedding dress appointment. "No, Austien is going to stay with Pops, along with Arabella." I sigh. "Whatever Dominic. Is Arabella dressed?? I got Little Austien's stuff ready and he's asleep in his car seat, on the couch." "Umm, I think she is, I mean I got her dressed before I went I got dressed." He turns, going down the hallway to to check on our daughter. "Yeah, she is!!" Little Arabella comes running into the living room, where I have retreated to my son. "Mommy?? Is Auntie Flea choosin da dwess she'll get mawied to Kwyle in??" I smile and nod. "Yes Baby. She is." "Make swure she pwetty!!" "I will baby." Dom comes back into the living room, "Well you better head out, make sure you stop and Felicia's like she asked." "I will, she said after." I stand up and Dom walks over, hugging me and giving me a kiss. "Love you." He says, turning his attention to fussy Austien. "Love you too." I pick up my purse as Arabella wraps her arms around my legs. "I wove you mommy!!" I kiss the top of her head, "I love you too Bella." Fishing my keys out of my purse I get in the car and head off.

**Dominic's POV**

I stare out the window, watching Safiya leave. As soon as the cars out of sight, I turn to Arabella. "Ready to go baby??" "Yes daddy." I smile at her. I pick up Austien and kiss his cheek, I hold him, grabbing his binki. I put him back in his car seat, buckling him up. "Papa!!" Bella screams as Felicia's Dad, Loyd pulls in the driveway. I love how he became Safiya's father figure, he's really a good man. I grab Austien and his diaper bag and follow Bella out to his truck. God, I hope Arabella doesn't get homesick, or that Safiya gets I-miss-the-kids sick. "Hey man!!" I greet Loyd. "Hey, Felicia will pick Bella and Austien up after the dress thing." I nod. I buckle Austien in as he gets Bella buckled. I throw Austien's bag in the floorboard, running in the house to grab Arabella's bag. I get it in the truck, and kiss my children goodbye. I hate that I lied to Safiya about work. I had to get her and the kids out of the house so I could finish her surprise. I run back in the house and take off my work clothes, switching them out for a pair of shorts. I walk in the kitchen and start the dinner. I made sure Safiya wasn't going to eat before she got back, so I'm making the meal my momma made for us on our first date. I was 17 and still not comfortable with cooking. So, she made us Chicken Parmesan Baked Ziti. I get that started and I run out back. When I get there, I get everything set up back there, running in every so often to get the food done. Everything is ready when I get a text from Felicia saying that Safiya was on her way home. I get the note on the front door and run to our bedroom to get changed. God I hope this goes right.

**Safiya's POV**

I pull in the driveway and sigh. Felicia really wanted the kids over so Dom let them go over there. Her dress is beautiful but I hate being alone. I gather everything, and started for the front door. When I get there I find a note taped to it.

Dear Safiya,

I know I said I had work but I lied. DON'T KILL ME. I have a surprise out back. Please go back there. Love you and happy anniversary baby. :) <3

Love, Dominic

That little bitch I swear to God!! I hate it when Dominic does this. I decide to play along and go inside, dropping off my bag in the living room and walking out back where the curtains are closed. I wonder what he has out there...Only one way to find out. I open the door and instantly have my breath taken away. He has put candles on shelves and they're lit so the whole back patio is lighted by candles. Dominic was standing off to the side by the table, with a lit candle on it and I smile at him in his black dress shirt and red bow tie with red and black Converse. "Hey." He says, reminding me when he picked me up for our first date. He didn't know what to say so hey was all that came out. "Hey." I smile, looking at the ground. I hear Dominic walk over and he pulls my chin up so I have to look him in the eyes. He leans in and our lips meet, he pulls back after a minute or so and grins like a goofball. "What??" I laugh. "Just reminding myself about how lucky I am. Now come on, you're probably hungry." I laugh and hear my stomach rumble. I follow him to the table and smile. he pulls out the chair for me and I sit down. I smile to myself at the meal recreated from our first date. We eat and talk and laugh until Dom suddenly gets up, grabbing my hand and leading me to the middle of the patio. He looks at me and smiles, pulling out his phone, I hear Thinking Out Loud by Ed Shearan come through the speakers I didn't notice before. I grin wider than before, I love this song. The song starts and Dominic pulls me into a dance. (play the video now) "You know I can't dance Dom." I glare. "Then just let me lead." he lightly sings the lyrics and leads me around the patio. As we're dancing around, he'll randomly remind me of good memories. I can't hear him though, the song has me so caught up in the moment, I get pulled into all kinds of flashbacks.

"Dashae'ama!!" Felicia yells from down the hall. "I'm coming!!" I huff. We have after school practice in Choir today and she's in a big hurry. "I went and got food after school, you were taking way to long." she laughs. "Well I'm sorry Mrs.Rob had to take her sweet time on my essay!!" I yell. We get in the Choir room and I see a very attractive boy following Mr.Taylor around. "Felicia, Dashae'a!!" Felicia looks up. "Yeah??" We say. "This is Dominic."


"Are you sure you want to change your name??" Dominic asks. "Yes. I love Safiya." I nod. "Okay." Dominic laughs. "You're so cute." I smile. "You, are an amazing friend, you know that??" I plop in his lap. He laughs at me, then we just kinda stare at each other for a while. Then, before I could think, our lips met, it was for just a few seconds, but it felt like forever, and all those discriptions in books and fanfictions, about bombs and fireworks, couldn't even begin to discribe what I felt. And after we pulled back, I could tell he felt it too.


"Hey, Safiya??" Dominic looks at me. We were walking through the park and decided to grab some snowcones. Now we were just chilling in his truck. "Yes Dom??" I take another spoonful of my snowcone. "Where am I in your future??" "What do you mean??" I look at him. "Am I in your future??" "Well Yeah, of course you are!!" I laugh. "Then here. You need this." He pulls out a box and opens it to reveal a beautiful ring inside. "Dominic!!" I cover my mouth." You'll marry me right??" I just nod. I'm at a lost for words. "I'm so happy." He says, putting the ring on my finger. He kisses me and when he pulls back I find my voice again. "I'm happy too." "No, This isn't some big deal, instead of it being in public, It's our moment. I'm happy this is our moment."

The song ends and I'm almost in tears. Dominic just pulls me closer and stands there. "I'm so happy." I mumble in his shoulder. "I'm happy too, I'm happy this is our moment. I'm happy we have Arabella and Austien. I'm happy I have you, and this moment. It's-" "Ours." I finish for him, and I'm in tears. I love him. He pulls me in for a kiss, and it was diffrent than all the others. More than the first. And I wanted it to be forever. And I knew, he wanted it too.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2016 ⏰

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