chapter 1 (wakatake)

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A/N: please enjoy and Don't be mad about the ship, between i only use the character everything happen here is not in the actual story of Tokyo revengers, also shinichiro is not dead in this story, that's not happen in this au, this is an omega vers story so takemichi is a male omega, takemichi doesn't time leap and tr character living happy, of course theirs still an gang here in my au.... Enjoy ☺️

//Sun is now rising again//

But the omega is still sleeping, his alarm is now buzzing but she didn't wake up, as he get disturb of her alarm he finally get up annoyed

"Ugh what time is it" he said in sleepy annoyed tune

When he see the alarm, as he turn of the alarm on his phone, he finally realized that he need to get up and get ready to go to his school he is soon will graduate with the course of pastry, yeah he love cooking that's why he want to build his own cake shop...

-Time skip-

As he already ready to go to his school he go out at his house with a smile, he locked his door and when he turn around he get shock when he see wakasa his boyfriend, he change his  shock face to a happy smile for his lover as his lover smile at him to

"Ohayo baby" wakasa said asking takemichi for his hand, "ohayo shi" takemichi said as he blushed and give his hand to his lover, Wakasa hold his hand and kiss it, the other boy blush so hard

"Come on you will be late to you're school, I will drive you there" wakasa and takemichi walk to get in the car so wakasa can give him a ride to get at his school quick

(Mamaya bmw na yarn 😏)

While there in the middle of the road going to takemichi school they are talking about some stuff, they didn't even took so long on there way to get takemichi school because on how fast wakasa driving to get him in the School

"Bye babe" wakasa wave his goodbye to his lover and got inside to his sports car to get to his work, his so happy cause this is takemichi last grading and they will have a test soon, and as soon as he graduate they can live together now that's what takemichi mom said (I'm his mom jk) and not just that he can now prepare his proposal, and wakasa working at a company of their corporation with shinichiro, and takeomi, and it's a big company about motor and fixing their motor, car and anything about motorcycle, yeah they didn't expect that their business will be big and yeah Mikey and his friend help to, the boys are still in a gang they all decided to be friends and make their gang big (ehe I'm the one who decided actually)

Wakasa the one who controlled the office being a CEO of it, the one who take care of their rating, and employee, he hold a big job cause he hold the company money, but shinichiro is the director Wich is higher than a CEO, and he go to every meeting and business about other company while, takeomi hold the shop his the boss and the one who take care about their brunches

Wakasa park his car and as he get out he see his new secretary, but he ignore it and let her talk he only listen on his meeting and after that her secretary talking nonsense that's why he ignore her

'ugh another hoe trying to make me fall for her' his thought "why can't a men be my Secretary?' his thought again

Yeah he when the secretary flirt he fired it.....but now he can't just like takeomi said

Now he is in his office, he sit on his chair to start his work and will wait for the two, takeomi and shinichiro the other boss cause they have meeting with their gang

-back to takemichi-

Takemichi POV-
As I wave to wakasa and go to my class I heard his car so I look back and his now gone

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