Good morning.

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Cascade of fluffy, brown hair has slightly moved. Quiet whisper of a wind behind closed window disrupted barely hearable, warm purr of a silhouette hidden under the duvet. Hazel, soft wave just decided to crawl lazily over the pillow, revealing sleepy face of a young girlwith upturned nose and narrowed eyes. She wasn't prepaired for that amount of light... The little thing yawned. Warm smile appeared on her face - it exposed white, healthy teeth. She stretched her arms and fingers a little bit... Surely, it's perfect time to get up.

Hands have decided to stay exactly where they were. Metallic rattle might have stopped them.

Girl tried to pull her arms closer to the body again. She felt those hard, tight bracelets mounted around her wrists. They did not want to give back her palms. Immidiately, she felt cold breathe of fear. Her eyes have fully opened, and now they were looking around chaotically for any clue what is going on. It was just a second, before understanding, that she was handcuffed to the opposite sides of bed. Her bed, in her bedroom.

- Good morning, sweetie... - deep, male voice appeared.

She gazed instantly onto direction, from where the sound arrived. Except white, ordinary ceiling, wooden headboard and a poster in frame showing classical computer wallpaper everyone of us are familiar of, there was only a small, bluetooth speaker hanged under the picture, blinking with blue light.

- What... What's that supposed to mean? - she asked ringing with the chains constraining her.

- You'll hear this message, when you'll be awake. I needed to go out earlier. However, I couldn't allow the possibility of my darling waking up without me...

- What are those? Where did you get them!? - she exclaimed, now seeing clearly black, trapezoidal handcuffs that unabled her to get up. Those were blinking too, but the light emmited by them was red... Worrying.

- ...because it would be not fair for you. How I could leave my honey without proper farewell, kiss or words „I love you"? Unthinkable. That's why I decided to say goodbye to you differently....

- Could you just let me out? - she interrupted, staring at annoying speaker above her.

- ...than usually. My lover... My sweetheart... I have a riddle for you. If you answer correctly, those handcuffs will open. I am sure, that you'll do it pretty fast. Are you ready?

The rustle of leaves could be heared in distance... Sunlight was pouring gently trough the narrow window. It illuminated a section of a wall between numer six and seven painted using dark grey paint. It's half past six. A thought flashed through the girl's head. Maybe this moron has left her phone somwhere nearby? A few moves of palms around the place, where they were immobilised and short reconneisance of her feet around lower part of her bed told her, that this idiot really come up with such crazy idea.

- I'm ready...? - uncertainty in her voice was clearly audible.

- My question is: Why I decided to leave?

His words played by speaker striked the silence with confidence. Girl smiled, and tried to bring up memories about their late evening. She rubbed her naked thighs against themselves... Cutie definitely still feels his kisses, warm, wet tongue on her skin, tickling, biting... She still can hear his whispers, deep breath...

- You've gone out for condoms. - replied with naughty grin.

- I am sorry, sweetheart, that's wrong answer. Try again.

- If that was not condoms... Maybe it was intimite gel...?

- I am sorry, sweetheart, that's wrong answer. Try again - the speaker replied once more, playing prerecorded voice sample.

Her eyebrows got dangerously close to each other. If it wasn't the case, what have had he on his mind...? Why he left his darling in such uncomfortable situation, naked, helpless? Why here? Why today?

- You just went for shopping... You wanted to buy a coke.

- I am sorry, sweetheart, that's wrong answer. Try again.

He had to left some clues. Her lovely prince would never left her in such manner! She started to think intensively, desperately trying to remember, what exactly was he whispering to her ear during their intimate time. He mentioned, that he wanted to go to bookstore, because of a premiere of long awaited continuation of his favourite story.

- Did you went to bookstore? Looking for book?

- I am sorry, sweetheart, that's wrong answer. Try again.

Little thing looked around, rising her head and chest up by staining her stomach and neck muscles as hard as she could, stretching her arms to the point of pain. Everything was in perfect order... Floor was cleaned up, there were no traces of clothes, that fell from them during the wild act of love. Chandelier was clean, too... She was almost certain, that her pink bra landed on it yesterday. Entrance to the bedroom was closed, window was polished. There was small, transparent vase on the dresser filled with water and roses... Five, red roses. Girl was staring at flowers and thinking about, what are those doing here.

- You just went for an anniversary gift...?

- Today is our anniversary, sweetie, you're right! - the speaker yelled with triumph - I'll be back soon. Breakfast is waiting for you on the ground floor.

Blinking diodes on handcuffs turned green. Her wrists were released immidiately, chains fell back on the bed sheets with quiet rachet. She finally brought her arms close to body, covered her breasts and tuck up legs.

- Five years... Five years together with this mad lad... - she whispered through a smile. Small tear have entered the hill of her pink, warm chick.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2021 ⏰

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