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Flowers. For miles all you could see were different kinds of flowers together making colorful arrays lined up against each other. In the middle stood three figures, A tall woman with long black hair tied up into ponytail and skin as dark as the void; wearing a long white dress with little red spider lilies on it that came down to her ankles. Next to her a shorter  male with tan skin and short brown hair, who was wearing a white button up with a light lilac sweater on top and light blue pants. And lastly a little girl who had her body split into two sides one a deep black like the tall woman and the other a golden tan like the brunette male, She had long black hair with a few streaks of white and red peeking through the dark black. The little girl wore a long light blue dress with little asters sewn into the dress. 

The family of three walked through the field hand in hand as the little child pulls their parents through the flowers until they spot a certain flower and stop, She sits down and pulls her parents down with them. The small Child starts to pick a bunch of different flowers from around the field until they circle back to where her parents are sitting in front of the pinkish purple flowers as they watch the small girl Sid down and start taking out the flowers and stating to braid them together in the process of making a crown until they stop in the middle and pick a few of the Pinkish Purple flowers known as 'Dianthus' Flowers and braiding a few into the band of flowers.

 The two adults sit and talk as they watch their child make the flower crowns, once the small child finishes she stand up and places the colorful crowns on both parents head and then one on her own head as she smiles and jumps in to hug her parents. The Childs mother holds onto her as they fall backwards falling into the flowers with her husband lying down next to both of them as they start to laugh and enjoy they're time in the flowers. As the sun sets in the field the male sitting up with the woman laying down on his legs as they watch the sunset while the small child sleeps on the mothers lap, "⏃⌇⏁⟒⍀" says the woman, making a sound of a yes as the small child snuggled into their mother. 

"You need to wake up" said the woman, "⏃⌇⏁⟒⍀  wake up!" "wake up" wake up" "WAKE UP!" yelled the woman as the little girl heard her mother yell her eyes opened only to see darkness. No flowers, No mom, No dad, just her alone. But the sound of the Childs mother wouldn't stop the constant yelling could be heard. "⏃⌇⏁⟒⍀  YOU NEED TO WAKE UP!", Slowly the familiar colors of your room start to appear but it's different. Shades of red, orange, and yellows covering her walls and smoke seeping in to her room from the hallway. "⏃⌇⏁⟒⍀ YOU NEED TO GET UP!" yelled the girls mother pulling her out of her trance turning her head to see her mother and father trying to wake her up.

 "Mama, papa what's happening!?" yelled the small child the fear starting to sink into her body at the thought of the fire burning them all came to the Childs mind. " Everything's going to fine Starlight we just need to get out. okay?" said her father making it sound like a question to calm them down when in fact it was a statement, He pulls her out of bed and out of the room by the hand with his wife walking in front of them trying to avoid the fire. suddenly a pice of the roof falls down in between the small child and her parents separating them, "MAMA, PAPA!" yelled the small child. Panic arises when the small child gets no response from the other side of the fire.

Tears start welling up in the small Childs eyes, suddenly a large support beam fell from the roof of the house landing on the small Childs back crushing her and trapping her with noway out. The small girl let screams of pain from the hot flame covered beam crushing her rib."  MAMA! PAPA! HELP IT HURTS!" the small child yelled letting the tears stream down her face as the fire burned through her clothes slowly burning her skin leaving dark marks on her skin.

The small Childs pleas for help slowly get quieter as she slowly starts to lose conscious ness, suddenly she feels the heavy weight on her back being lifted. The small child can feel themself being lifted off the ground, their vision blurry as they try to see who helped them. All they saw was a cloud of black smoke, Then everything went dark.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2023 ⏰

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