Name: Elizabeth
Boy: Harry
Situation: video games competition
"Harry you cheated didn't you?" I playfully slapped him on the arm.
"I didn't cheat!" he smiled at me.
"I think you cheated, so we are going to have to do this again" I smiled at him
"What? That's not fair!" he yelled. I narrowed my eyes at him.
"fine" he said, finally giving in.
I smiled and hit the 'start over' button. "What now Harry,seems I won 3 games in a row, I believe that deserves a congratulations" I spoke while waving my hands in the air.
"What? No I'm not congratulating you. I should have won" Harry pouted
"at least I haven't cheated." "I DIDN'T CHE-... You know what fine. You win."
"Yes" I yelled "now kiss me" "what?" Harry asked " I said kiss me, if I win then you're supposed to kiss me."
" well, if I had known that from the beginning I would have just let you win." He said while leaning in towards me.