Nice to meet you my name is...

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3rd persons Pov
As the quads were enjoying the beautiful cherryblossom view and having their picnic.
They make the most of every moment dancing, shooting (selfmade )firework and simply enjoying each others company.
A plane flies above their head accompanied by 4 more fighter jets.

"Nothing like that to reminds were still at war huh."
A tall male says with blue hair.

"What a way to ruin the mood"
A short blond says picking up his sketchbook.

"Now now
Come on guys don't be so pessimistic. "
A girl with long hair tied in a ponytail says looking at the group.

"She's right who knows maybe the famous princess who I've always wanted to see has come to us. "
A darker male says hopefull.

"In your dreams !!!"
The others shout at him.

"So mean!!!"
He answers back.

"What do you think
A short redhead says looking at a boy who's been quiet for a while reading his book.

"Don't know
Come on
Let's go back to base."
With his reply they all get up and start walking back.

At the same time at the old military base *

They don't appear to be in at the moment .
A soldier says reporting back to a girl with long silver hair.

"I see then lets wait for them here."
She replies taking a seat next to her friend.

"You're really going through with it huh"
Her friend with shorter silver hair says

"That's right "
She replies confidently.

They have returned"

Start unloading "

"Yes ma'am "

She gets up from her chair upon seeing the forces stand in front of them.

"Nice to you all
I am your new handler
Handler 1
Name: Lena
I look forward to working with you ."

"Now that I've introduced myself It's your turn "

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"Now that I've introduced myself
It's your turn "

They others look suprised but comply leaving their complains for afterwards.

"Shinei Nouzen"
Black hair red eyes wearing a scarf
The boy replies as calm as always

"Shinei Nouzen"Black hair red eyes wearing a scarfThe boy replies as calm as always

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"I see
You're the commander of spearhead
Codename: Undertaker."
She says and he slightly nods his head

The rest of his crew follow his lead and soon everybody was introduced.

"That should be all of you in this quad."
Lena says making a note.

"Now I shall explain why I am here today but you must all be tired of standing why dont we discuss this inside?"

Some of them stay silent while others look at each and frown.

Shin says not caring at all and walk inside.

So they head inside and Lena tries not to be to obvious that shes looking around.

"Don't trip over something

Suprised that here nickname was called she looks at them in disbelieve.
But recovers her composer when her friend gives her a nudge.

"Thank you "
She whispers

"Pay attention "
She scolded

They arrive in the livingroom and all of them sit down.

"Can't say if there's enough space of you though hime - sama."

"That's all right
I'm not going to sit.
First of all i'd like you all to have these. "

Lena and her team hand out a map of their terrain.

"No way!!!"

"Isn't this?"

"Top secret information !!!"

"I don't know what you mean by that
It's just a piece of paper afterall.
I have no use for it unlike you."

"From now on all processors will answer to me ."

Some look suprised but don't say anything yet. Others just look annoyed.

"Also ..."

"I'm staying here for a few weeks"

They shout in shock

"Oh looks like i finally got a reaction. "

"Are you crasy?"

"A human in pigs territory
Do you want to be called a traitor ?"

"Worried about me?"

"As if"

"I'm not stupid
I've got the entire military to reorganize and your weapons as well as uniform have to be upgraded. "

"Why so suddenly?"

"That's right "
"We've had these all our lifes "
"Why whou-

"Make no mistake "
She cuts them off

"I'm not doing this for you
After all I only know to look after my own well being."

"If the hounds are trained well and fed their master will have nothing to worry about. "

They look pissed at her reply .

"Then I'll be going now
If you need me
You know where I'll be. "

Shin's Pov

"If the hounds are trained well and fed their master will have nothing to worry about. "

At first i thought she wasn't anyone special but when she said that.
I realised something.
She that kind of person that will do whatever it is to archive her goals.

Like me

She and I are very much alike

She and I are very much alike

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To be continued

VladiLena Milizé(Blood Regina)x Shinei Nouzen:  I shall connect usWhere stories live. Discover now