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This world is full of magic. It isn't the type of magic you'd expect though.  Everyone is born with magic within them, They are part of this world. But its not something so simple, you don't just get born with flames and thats it. You have to learn it. You have to master it. 

Humans here are uncommon but you still see some. Theres elves, creatures, and a lot of stuff mixed together. Humans aren't special. There are some weird creatures, creatures you would never see before. 

Let me tell you, there used to be wolves, a lot of them. Until mysterious figures interfered and tried experimenting putting human genes into a wolf. Next day later, the figures were found dead in the woods. The experiments escaped and killed over 100 people.

They are called werewolves. Most got hunted down, but they mated with eachother, so some are still alive but its hard for them to survive in public. Its pretty rare to see one. Once in a blue moon. Thats why its mostly just a rumor.

Me, i was born as a human. Pretty boring right? I know. Everyday i look in the mirror and imagine myself if i wasn't born incorrectly. Its like i was born in a mans body, or its just my breasts wont grow but women never have...carrots down there. 

I was always a tomboy but not because of the body i was born with. I just liked sports and stuff. But gender doesn't equal the stuff you do, i just called myself that to look cool, because i never liked girly stuff.

I got bullied in school for being a human, they called me stupid and weak. I even got bullied for wanting to learn magic. "You cant learn magic! You're too small and scrawny." I was 5'3 at the time, and that was in middle school.

In highschool people avoided me for some reason, i couldn't make any friends. I then went to an academy after i graduated. I started to learn magic and people called me gifted for being able to learn it so fast, but the problem was.. It turned to hate. 

The purple and black flames i wore, would scare people. They said they could see the darkness in the flames. And called it a curse. It would go wild by itself and it was hard for me to control it, It was also hotter than regular fire. I mean really hot. We went to experiment eachothers magic with gloves and some girl thought it would be funny to touch it. "Your fire is just a rumor, with my shield magic i bet it won't hurt a bit!" She would say. When she touched it she screamed. It burned her whole finger off, there wasn't any remains. And she could still feel the pain. After that incident i was expelled because witnesses said that i lit her finger on fire on purpose. And that she wasn't planning to use her magic at first. 

"Don't ever come back to this academy ever again." The door was slammed on my face. I wanted to cry. It went on my record so it was even hard for me to work at a job or go to a different academy because everyone thought it would be better to kept me away. Because i was a curse. 

(When you learn magic, you can't choose what to learn. You can't just suddenly expect magic healing powers. You have to find what YOU can do and learn how to master it, if you're confused.) 

 After i just didnt bother going to another academy. Online, I met a girl who i thought would mean the world to me. Turns out she was the worst girl ive ever met. Our relationship was toxic. You can probably imagine what she did to me. Tried to kill me and stuff but it doesn't involve abuse. Atleast not physical. 

She would call me a monster, and a cow. If i tried to yell back it would just lead to me feeling back because it would realize i'm a monster. At first she was so nice. 

I found out she cheated on me, She did it a lot of times. But i kept forgiving her. I don't know why. One time she ran away and i tried looking for her. 

I ran into the woods. And looked everywhere. I got so far into the woods i was lost. I started to hear growling. "What's that..?" I would say. I just calmed down and then walked away. Until i got attacked. Something jumped on me. When i turned around my pupils would shrink. 

A werewolf looking me in the eyes. I got scared and slapped it, trying to get away but it grabbed my leg and bit my neck. I screamed in pain and i grabbed its neck and squeezed as hard as i can. I looked into its eyes angrily and upset , i couldn't do anything about it. Me choking it did nothing. But it started to look scared when we met eye contact. It ran away leaving me helpless.

Why was it scared? It couldn't be because of me. I exclaimed. I walk without a shirt, leaving me with my bra on. And i had my shirt on my neck, i wouldn't speak because of the injury. Time passed, I finally got out and got inside. I fell to the ground with my vision being blurry, If i didnt keep that shirt there i would've been dead already.

She called the ambulance and i was rushed to the ER. My life was saved, but they said they weren't the ones to save it. "Whatever you were bitten by transmitted some of their genes into you. I can't believe it. Do you know what bit you?"

When i said it they looked confused. They didn't believe me at all. I got sent back home and the next day. I started to look taller. Not too tall. But in the mirror, i had purple... wolf ears..? My hearing got better and the human ears i had were gone. I even had a tail! But it was purple and light purple... as well.. Looked like a fox tail. But i knew it wasn't. It was huge. And i had sharper teeth. 

It turns out I became half werewolf. Its weird because werewolves are just half human half wolf but i called myself half because i didn't have fur all over my body, Just some parts of the genes. Which was weird. And i have no idea why they were purple.

Could be the curse. The girl got scared of me and thats when she started to become toxic. Crazy right.. Well thats what happened.

When i went in public i would always wear a hoodie. People took notice and ripped it off and shoved me against the wall. Bullying me. "Look at the shy little girl. Shes so helpless." They would laugh. They tried pulling the hoodie down but i would grasp onto it. "Hows this bitch so strong?" Without missing a beat i said, "I workout jackass." But then i got kicked in the crotch and i fell onto my knees. "OW!"

They took my sweater off aggressively and were shocked. I thought i would get called the cops on and be experimented by surgeons for being half wolf. But they were stupid. "A HYBRID FOX?" 
I looked shocked. 

"Aren't they uncommon?" "Dude. You literally have them in your school." "Oh yeahh.."

"Sorry. We thought you were a human at first. My bad!" They ran away looking scared at me again. And i know it wasn't because i was a "hybrid fox." 

Its the curse again.

I stopped wearing hoodies because everyone thought of me as a fox who dyed their fur. It was much easier and people started treating me more friendly. Some thought i just pretended to be one because they knew i used to be a human.

I became much stronger because of the werewolf genes. But i was already strong before because i worked out. Each day i would grow taller until it stopped. After a week i stopped growing and my height was 7 feet tall. 

Its not uncommon though. Because a lot of people are tall. I mean most are usually 6'1 ft tall. But there were some GIANTS. Who were 6'5 or more. Weird huh. Very uncommon to be short here.

I could also turn into a wolf but it wasn't that easy. The problem was i didn't know how. 

Everytime i tried my pupils would only turn red. Sometimes my eye becomes black and my pupils turn red but thats when i lose control. I cant control myself at that state but its not overpowered. Its just me but angry. So not scary at all.

I had sharp nails that i could declaw. Another gene. I guess..? It was weird. I wasn't used to it.

Well this is all the weird things that happened to me, Im also not with that girl anymore.

The end of chapter one i suppose? Yeah. It was just about sam. Nothing special.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2021 ⏰

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