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Alright, to some people who have decided to join this. A few rules here please that you have to read. I've already had a lot of problems doing this. Just listen to the rules, play fair, and yeah. 

Enjoy this shit. 

Alright here are a few rules, now for Oc's. I wouldn't really mind if their Oc's are added in the role play. But what really bothers me is when they're like a hybrid wolf girl that loves killing and they're so emo and depressed when they literally look like a anime character. Just..just stop with that...I swear, if I have another Oc like that, you know like the one that has the anime body proportions of those huge tittes and thick thighs, then I ain't gonna role play with you, that includes half wolf girls like from Gacha, I am not wanting that Oc, go do that with somebody else. Lmao. But, I DO accept characters that are human and has a normal life! Until the good horror stuff starts to come in! :D I really want that kind of setting, but seriously, no human that just flips off the Creepypasta, because, I would rather prefer horror. 

But just because their all werewolf, yeah, sometimes they do like cool unless they actually play fair. 

Alright, that was my rant out there sorry. But here are my shitty rules. 

1# First off, I don't want any quirkiness in here. Like no, when your characters like try to be funny by screaming like that or try to be all savage. No. Just no, I'm not gonna role play with you like that-

2# No Tsundere's here. Seriously, stop. It's obvious that you have a crush on (insert) character, don't by out too rough yelling at your love interest please all the time please, it's worth cringy to me. I'll just assume that your just some immature kid. 

3# I'll play as your crush, and you also play as mine as well. If I make the characters show off personality that I don't know much about, PLEASE give in your effort as well. Like..don't just make them complete mindless and emotionless. Don't even give me those responses, or I'm deleting the chain. 

4# I'm not playing about your Oc only dude, we both should be equal. Don't make your Oc have all the attention! Like that wouldn't even be enjoyable to role play. :/ 

5# Don't make your Oc all depressed and emo the role play would make me just uncomfortable, and the role play would be very when they literally have no reaction when I try to make it entertaining. That ain't fun. I'm not taking your attention seeking Oc's that are depressed. 

6# Please, please PLEASE! For the love of God! Don't made one liners when I put out a full paragraph! Like this; 

Me: *smiles*     Dude, give in your effort. If you keep on doing this, I will not reply to our role play anymore! You have to give in your effort as well! I know you may ran out of ideas, but seriously, at least add like a paragraph. 

Add at least about 3-4 paragraphs. It's fair enough. If that isn't fair for you because your a one liner, then...well..too bad. I'm not willing to role play with you..

7# No overpowering Oc's that is "perfect" and also has a depressing backstory. Honestly, this just feels like I am ranting, but I don't want ANY of your Oc's singing a depressing song that they randomly start crying in their room and their scars show. Who even wants to see your Oc singing a depressing song so that your love interest can be your Prince Charming? That isn't gonna help anything. 

Keep in mind, I'm pretty a salty person, I CAN be a tad bit judgy on your Oc's anytime- so yeahhh, if you tag, I will be looking through your Oc- I'm sorry if I sound harsh on what I say about the Oc's- 

8# If we ever both end up getting the same crush...ehhhh, I only have one, but if you do have multiple other crushes then please come up with a backup crush as well, I don't want to argue which crush would be ours. Honestly it's ridiculous to even argue over a character.

9# I'm NOT playing as any child for your crushes. Your Oc at least much be a teen, or either an adult. But if your Oc is a child, then we'll only do it platonic, no romantic like feelings. 

10# I'm a half and half with smut. But please no overall very extreme- that's gonna make me uncomfortable- 

11# Please, no smut with Ben- Ben's a child, not some aging spirit as you all guess and see. Aging up Ben makes me uncomfortable as well, but at least aging him up to 13-14 IS okay for me if you feel uncomfortable as playing a 12 year old. 

12# Please no Oc's getting pregnant- do you even know what it takes to be an mom??? Go research, or either grow up. I'm NOT doing pregnancy, it makes me uncomfortable, very uncomfortable. 

13# If your Creepypasta Oc or just a commoner have like a mental disorder, PLEASE research it! Just because your Oc is a Creepypasta, it doesn't mean that they're all a killer and stuff. Besides, no information on the mental disorder? Your just mocking and only wanting attention. 

I'll be doing some multiple themes in here. Like fluff, Au, wholesome, lime I guess??? But no pregnancies.

Alright, I THINK this is all for now. This is supposed to be for fun anyways. Enjoy. 

Edit: I forgot to add. Please no Oc's that are related to either Jeff, Slenderman or Zaglo! You cannot have your Oc as Zaglo's daughter, like no- this bothers me a lot honestly. 

Another rule is, you cannot have a Oc that looks copied off of a popular Creepypasta character, like Nina, not to be rude to her in any way, but to give out an a example. 

Like, for example, your Oc can't have the same smiley cut as him, or the hoodie and "The Killer" last name and just claim that your Oc is one of Jeff's workers, I ever doubt that Jeff would even need a worker. 

That goes for BEN as well. Since people don't understand who "BEN" really is but for people's sake of not knowing I'm just gonna use this. Please don't also claim BEN as your love interest as having the same like "bloody eye" and glitchcore to match with him. He isn't gonna comfort you, he's just gonna send you hallucinations and torture you until you drive insane. 

Edit 2: LMAO sorry for adding another thing, but I have a lot of things to add here. 

First off, if you add your Oc's in like a horror role play, please take it where they would feel awareness and fear, not just blandly acting like you flat out don't care. It's annoying, and quirky as well from those Gacha videos of that one Mary Sue Oc bumping into the Creepypasta's and not acting scared at all. Like- bro- they're literally serial killers. Take it realistically, not as if they're a joke, the Creepypasta's will literally hunt you down without hesitation. If you decide to make your Oc act out not scared, then I'm not role playing with you. I'll just end the role play with the Creepypasta's killing you off. 

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