Chapter one

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Everyday is the same in the Middle Kingdom of lava and fire, also know as ignis, we wake up each day to the first light and get on with our days for some that is take care of chores but for me it is getting ready for my dearest parents to sell me off. I mean find me a husband to marry. Marriage such a strange concept I mean I get auctioned off to a bit of dudes for what my father to decided who is the best for me to marry, who would make the worthiest king. I think it's all a load of shit but we have to do it anyways.
"Nyx Roselyn Foxington it is time for your lessons so get down here now. You have been delaying it all morning." My mother called from down the hall.
"The crown is heavy that I carry in my head but it will al be worth it right?" I tell myself the same thing for the past 3 years when we started these lessons hoping one day it will become true. But this far it has not. I get put of bed to be greeted by my hand maid coming through the door.
"Good morning miss, I have your usual for today." She says putting the tray on the table in my room and goes to the wardrobe and picks out a dress for me to wear. "What are we going for today miss a royal blue or a stain green." She says holding up two dresses. I point to the green one as I eat my toast. Once I am done I get up onto the pedestal where she slips me out of my nightwear and into the under clothes and puts the corset on around my waist and tightens it. Once that painful process of done she slips the dress over me and grabs the family tiara and places it on my head. "Lovely miss just completely lovely" she says whole looking over her work.
"Miss Arowen I don't have all day is she ready or not." We hear for down the hallway.
"Yes you majesty just a few more touches and she shall be ready." She say before fluffing my hair and whispering that I'll be great. She has done this everyday since she has become my hand maid. She isn't much older then me only a few years but I look up to her like she is my older sister. She is the only thing that manages to keep me sane in this cold dark castle.
I walk down the corridor to where my mother is sitting and she tells me it's time to start learn all the kingdoms and what they have to offer since a choice has to be made soon. Why I can just be the queen of my land without a king is besides me. Last time I brought up that at the dinner table resulted in the father angrily stabbing the table with his knife and my mother weeping. Those two can be quite a dramatic pair at times.
After what felt like hours I finally had a moment to slip away when my mother was looking I took that chance to dart off as fast I could. All I heard behind me was "Garuda stop Nyx from leave the castle again." But by the time they would get to me I would most likely be half way to town. I kept on running to the stalls where we keep the horses and hopped on my beautiful black horse named Raven.
"Come on its time to go." I said sagged I got on and rode all the way to the village.
"Hello deary," the shop owner calls out when she walks in "what is wrong today."
"Oh nothing much mrs. Alora just running away from my mother again."
"Oh those lessons again isn't it. Well they are important if you are to become queen I mean a good queen must have great knowledge over her kingdom."
"But that just it, what if I don't want to be queen. What if I wanna be just an average villager girl. Why did I have to be born to the royal family."
She walked over to me and wrapped her hands and around mine and placed my chin up so I can look at her.
"You my dear will make a lovely queen who will be just and fair, but also loving to her subjects. And you will always have the peoples best interest at heart." She says " you don't know this yet but years from now they will all adore you my darling." She hands me a cup of peppermint tea, my all time favorite, and shuffles behind the counter again.
Once I finally finish my tea I pay for my drink then leave to look around the village to see how everyone is. I put my hood up so no one knows it's me and then I walk around. It's been getting worse since the last time I was here. So many more people are sick and they can't get the proper medicine to heal them. So we are just stuck here with this disease killing of all of our people, and my parents don't  even care. They are the king and queen this is what they should be doing but instead they are planning my engagement ball. Spending all kinds of tax payers money so they can continue to live there lavish life that they want, while others are suffering and dying.
"Don't worry guys I'll do everything in my power to save you." I said quietly under my voice as I get on my horse and ride home.
"Nyx where did you go. I can't believe you did this to me. We have less then two weeks to finish you studies."
"Wait what do you mean less then two weeks mother."
"We have found you a husband he comes from the northern kingdoms his name is Rowan levington from the kingdom of ice and snow."
"Why so soon I thought I had time I thought you said we weren't going to rush into this, you made it seem like o had a choice on who I can pick why take that all away from me know."
"That was the only way to make you take your lesson when you were younger. But know you are almost and adult. So I am going to need you to start acting like one and suck it up because the prince will be here and 10 days time and when he gets here I am going to need you on your best behavior at all times okay." She said lifting up my chin to her. I ripped my face out of her hands and stormed away to my room.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2021 ⏰

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