One direction prefrances/imagines

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This is my first story on here and I'm supper exited!!!!!

So if I could have some requests on what to write about or story's to write in general.

Love you guys!!



Louis preference

"Come on time to get up y/n" Louis said in a sweet voice shaking you quietly

"Nooooo" you moan lifting the covers over your face

"Come on babe what's wrong" he asks feeling him sit on your bed

" I don't feel good" you say wincing in pain as your voice cracked

"Awww I'll go get you some cough drops and soup" he says knowing your throat is killing you

A few minuets later Louis came back in you peaked your head out from under the covers " I brought a few suckers and cough drops,Harry's making you some soup oh a here's a white board so you don't have to talk" he said with a smile.

"Thanks babe" you say hugging him

"Shhh don't talk it will only make it worse" he said handing you the white board and your favorite color marker.

I'm going to take a shower. I wrote shakily in lite sea foam green letters

"K babe" he said with a wink


Harry preference

You woke up snuggled in Harry's chest. "Morning babe" he said with a smile you giggled and then winced in pain as your head and stomach started killing you.

"what's wrong babe" he asked worriedly

"nothing I think it's just my- you were cut off by a wave of nausea and darted to the bathroom not bothering to shut the door. You started hacking and gagging since you had no food in you when you felt Harry's muscular hands pull back your hair. After a few seconds of puking what was in our stomach you gasped for air.

"We'll I guess it wasn't my period" you said giggling slightly witch made you violently puke again.

"What's going on" you heard a familiar voice ask as you once again gasped for breath and looked up to see the boys

" could you go get me some crackers and sprite please" you asked knowing it would come back up but it would be much less violent.

You got up with the help of Harry holding you with one hand and the trash can in another. You sat on the bed and grabbed the trash can once again violently vomiting when you heard the boys walk in as Harry started rubbing your started to cry. "What's wrong y/n" Harry asked still rubbing your back

"I hate puking its like my biggest worry " you said

" it's nothing to worry about you'll be fine after a while" he said in response

A few hours later and several Popsicles later you felt much better and haven't been puking either


Niall's preference

You walk in the kitchen to see Niall stuffing his face along with the other boys eating as well. " it's about time you woke up" Louis said taking his plate to the sink. You griped your head in pain as Niall came to hug you

" please Niall I don't feel well" you said as he backed away

" what's wrong" he asked concerned as you violently coughed

"Nothing a little Tylenol can't take care of" I said with a smirk as Niall got you some and a glass of water. You walked vet and sat on the couch when Niall walked in with cough drops and the pills. After a took the medicine and took a cough drop I. Snuggled into Niall's chest as we watched movies all day with the boys.


Liam preference

As you and Liam were watching a toy Tory marathon you felt your throat start to become soar as your head started to throb you grabbed your head and Liam looked down at you.

" what's wrong babe" he said worriedly

" could you get me some cough drops and Advil please" you asked your voice cracking from the pain

" sure babe " he said before getting up

" I couldn't find any cough drops but there are some jolly ranchers" he said handing you the medicine and holding a bowl of jolly ranchers

" that's fine" you said reaching form the bowl. You both snuggled back up to each other and watched the movies


Zayn preference

You woke up to a huge wave of nausea you ran to the bathroom as you hear zayn "babe what's wrong" he asked concerned. You didn't have time to respond before throwing up in the toilet. You felt him pull your hair into a pony tail and rub your back. "Can you bring me a popsicle" you ask sweetly.

" a popsicle" he asked confused

" ya they're the like the only think I would eat when I was little whenever I would throw up" I said to him

"K I'll be back" he said with a giggle. I got enough strength to get up and slip on a sports bra and zayn tee shirt over it and slipped on his sweats

He walked back in with a popsicle and a can of sprite.

" I love you Zayn " you say as he hands you the popsicle

" I love you too" he says stroking your hair.


Ok I hoped you guys liked it I need some suggestions though!!

Love you!!!!



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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2013 ⏰

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