why was i born looking like this
i feel like a rat, uglier than a mouse
why are rats so ugly
i hate myself
no matter how much people say good things
i can only seem to notice the flaws in myself
i look in the mirror and cry.
no one knows that though
i thought i was really pretty until i grew up
i wish i could be young again
i wish i could go back to being innocent and having no care in the world
but it's too late
i'm already a fully committed teen
what's the point?
i feel like no one loves me
2021 sucks, i've had nothing but terrible occur throughout this yr.
i lost everything and everyone this year
why does it have to be this way
i've spent too much time running away from the guilt
the pain
the misery
the suffering
why me
i should just end it, people don't care until you're dead anyways.