Drunken night

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Tw: alcohol
Top: Tartaglia 😋‼️ BAHAHA

Backstory: Tartaglia and Zhongli are business partners. Zhongli never really agreed with Tartaglia's job but he needs the mora so Zhongli gives information to Tartaglia about the targets. Zhongli has lived in Liyue for so long he practically knows everything about everyone, making him and Tartaglia quite compatible business partners.

Story starts here, enjoy =)

Tartaglia had asked Zhongli is he could stay the night as his place because his house had been raided by enemies, Zhongli of course let him in.   Once Zhongli got there he saw Tartaglia wasn't there and he assumed he went on a late night stroll around the parts of Liyue before coming ovrt. Zhongli wanted to watch a movie with him and began pulling out snacks that him and Tartaglia could snack on during the movie, knowing there was barely anything unhealthy. Zhongli was not the person to drink unless on special occasions but when he saw a full bottle of vodka sitting lonely in the cupboard, he couldn't resist. He poured some into three shot glasses, throwing them down his throat, not really liking the taste. When he got a bit drunk and more use to the taste he began chugging from the bottle as it burned his throat and made him cough a bit.

Tartaglia reached Zhongli's house, walking closer to the entryway. He knocken on the door excited to see his business partner. Zhongli opened the door, falling over himself and landing in Tartaglia's arms.

"Zhongli?" Tartaglia questioned, propping him back onto his feet and helping him back inside. He sat him down on the couch and took a seat next to him. "Are you drunk?"

"Of course." Zhongli replied, reaching for his glass and swallowing more of the strong liquid, gulping hard. "You know Tartaglia, you're looking quite elegant tonight."

Tartaglia's face flashed red, he was only joking, right?

"You're drunk, Zhongli. Are we gonna watch a movie or not? I saw the snacks." Tartaglia attempted to change the subject. Zhongli nodded in response, although he wasn't listening to a word of what Tartaglia was saying and instead was staring at Tartaglia's lips as they slipped out words smoothly. Tartaglia played a movie but was more focused on his wandering thoughts. Before he knew it, Zhongli was sat on Tartaglia's lap, straddling him. Zhongli locked eyes with Tartaglia and then glanced down at his lips while licking his own.

"Zhongli..." Tartaglia grunted, attempting to lift Zhongli off. "Stop."

Zhongli broke the distance between the two bodies and smashed his lips into Tartaglia's. Tartaglia was stunned by this movement but kissed back passionately before soon realizing Zhongli was drunk and pulled away.

"You're drunk, Zhongli. This isn't what you want."

"It is what I want, Tartaglia. The alcohol is just helping me do it."

Zhongli gripped onto Tartaglia's hair and broke the gap between them once again.

Fuck it Tartaglia thought as he kissed back, grabbing Zhongli's neck with one hand and his waist with the other.

Zhongli grinded slowly on Tartaglia's rising erection that only grew larger by his movements, Zhongli's arms crawling down Tartaglia's body. Tartaglia carried Zhongli to the bedroom, not breaking the kiss until Tartaglia slammed Zhongli onto the bed, topping him. Zhongli panted for breath and became flustered about what just happened.

Drunk confessions Zhongi x tartaglia smutWhere stories live. Discover now