Part 1

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After queueing up for an insane amount of time, your friend Delilah and yourself finially got into the club.

Heading straight to the bar and ordering a vodka shot and martini. "Fuck relationships..." Delilah shouted at me "...who needs them anyway" you reply with a grin before we both necked the shots, cringing and laughing at each others faces.

It made you smile every time you toasted it, something you'd done ever since you'd both got out of shitty relationships, a sort of pact to each other in a way.

You grabbed your drink and secured a booth right at the end. Tonight was the first night you had both got off work in long time, and you both planned to make the absolute most of it.

You laughed, you drank, the pair of you even scored a few free drinks from people at the bar before running back to each other in the booth giggling like school girls.

"C'mon! I want to dance! You coming?" You shouted
"Of course! I've had enough drink to definitely get up there with you!" Deliah shouted back as you dragged her from her seat and up onto the floor.

The bass was pounding, vibrating all through us; in your ears, head and body, it made you smile and let loose. For the next hour as the songs rolled over into each other, you and Delilah ground, dropped and danced to your hearts content, with each other and anyone that would dance with you.

Nearing the end of one of the songs, you leaned back into the intoxicating smell of whoever was dancing with you. You signaled to Deliah you wanted to tap out as you wiggled out of the firm grip at your waist. The pair of you walked back to your booth, sweating and out of breath.

"Drink y/n?" Delilah asked before even sitting down
"What kind of question is that?" You ask smiling "of course I fucking do! Just get me whatever you're having"

As she walked away, you were captivated by that same intoxicating smell from the dance floor, "Hi there, beautiful..."

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