Same old

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'3rd person POV: 

It was another day on the nemesis, the vehicons were awoken by their enternal clocks to begin their mostly uneventful day. Be ordered around by nearly everyone on the ship, earn a few scars or dents here and there, oh and most likely not make it back to their berthrooms in one peace. That's just how it was for a vehicon, viewed as punching bags, non sentient servants...and sometimes even more.

C-782 had just begun his daily tasks of restocking energon cubes and making sure not to drop any, however his restocking had been put on hold when he was called to into the control room. He quickly made his way there not bothering to chat with his fellow vehicon peers. As he entered the control room he expected starscream to be there to give him more work to do. Only to see Megatron himself standing with his back turned to him, and to his left 4 other vehicons were standing waiting for orders as well.

After a few seconds Megatron finally spoke, "you five will be transported to an energon mine, from there you shall guard it with your life." Megatron spoke with his mighty voice that radiated authority and brutality. Finally turning around to face the vehicons he continued to speak, "And as you are transported there I shall accompany you to supervise, and make sure no further 'mistakes' are made." He finished his sentence sending a glare towards C-782. Looking down slightly C-782 avoided Megatron gaze as if it were a deadly disease. He had knew of his mistake and was punished dearly for it, the punishment being a near death from an autobot and a new scar from Starscream that marked his chassis. "Soundwave! Open a ground bridge." C-782 turned to see who Megatron had commanded, it was a tall dark purple, navy blue colored mech with a visor covering his face plate. He had long grey arms and spikes that crowned his helm, he was imtemidating that's for sure. 

As if right on cue a green and blue colored portal appeared and the assigned vehicons stepped through as well as Megatron, who was the first to go through. The vehicons including C-782 took their stations and kept watch, while Megatron went into the mine to see if any miner was slacking off. C-782 had moved to a different spot, the top of the mine just above the entrance. It would be a better vantage point granting more sight, he looked around to see if anything was out of the ordinary. Nope nothing of the sort, in fact the only sign of movement where his fellow vehicons shifting in place or walking to a different spot.

Just a C-782 thought, same old day. That was until he heard an all too familiar sound of a ground Bridge opening behind him....

Vehicon C-782Where stories live. Discover now