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Senior year. The first day of senior year. I'm sitting in Math class with Derrel, my boy best friend. We have been friends since we were three, when our moms moved in beside each other. The teacher calls on me, "What is the answer for number four Lola?" I hesitate, gliding through my notebooks pages trying to find the answer. "The answer is 231 miss" Derrel quickly states. "Thank you Lola. Now-" the teacher continues, and I receive a note from Derrel. It reads "Take the bus today." I nod at him, trying to refocus on the teachers lesson. Later, I'm walking to my next class but I start to feel very lightheaded. Derrel runs up behind me with his two other friends from football. As the hallway starts spinning, he notices, passing my books to his friend Todd. I start to hear buzzing and Derrel holds me up. "Lola-" He says as I pass out. He quickly catches me and brings me to the nurses office. I wake up on a bed with him towering over me, beside the bed. "Her blood sugar is very low." The nurse says "Has she been eating enough?" I go to sit up, but Derrel stops me. "Derrel I need to get to class." I glare at him. "Fine, come here I'll take you." He says in a calming voice. I follow him out of the room. Derrel walks me to the office. "You called my mom?" I ask nervously.

The next day, Saturday. Derrel is throwing another party. I am curled up on my bed crying. Someone knocks at my door and I slowly walk over and open it. Derrel walks in. "What's wrong? You aren't at my party. You're always at my parties." I start crying uncontrollably. "Hey relax what is it?" I point to my stomach so he gets a heating pad. "Here come lay down with me." I nod and lay down beside him, on his shoulder. I hug him and he laughs. "You're so adorable." I look down, blushing. "Stop let's go to the party, the heating pad is helping." I say, trying to get him to stop staring at me. He nods and grabs my hand to lead me to his house. I quickly grab a couple beers before he comes into the house after his smoke and I down them. After a few more, Im kind of drunk. A bunch of people start crowding in after Derrel. He gives me a cup of beer. I am a bit of a lightweight so I stumble a little bit from the beer I've already had. Then a guy slips something in my cup. I drink it and he brings me upstairs. I collapse on the bed. The next morning, I'm on Derrels bed, in his t-shirt and some of my pyjama pants I forgot at his house. I have a really bad headache and I feel off. He walks over and I start tearing up. "What happened last night? You usually take me home." I ask nervously. "You were drugged- I got here before he took off his pants. He didn't touch you- I don't think." He responds in a calming voice. I move over into him. I kiss his cheek. "Thank you, for stopping him I'm sorry I-" he stops me by kissing me. He stops and I smile. "You never- I didn't expect that." I hesitate. I kiss him back. We hang out all day, playing games and he takes a nap with me too. When we're playing a game, I rage and hit my head by accident. We both start laughing. "Ouch, that gave me a headache." I say. He gives me a Tylenol and some water. "Take these it should help." Derrel tells me. "Thank you." I smile and then we go lay back on the bed. I slowly go to sleep on him. The next morning, I wake up and I feel extremely dizzy and my head hurts badly. I tell Derrel so we go to the hospital. I pass out in the car. There's white curtains all around me and machines beeping. I take off my breathing mask. He smiles. "Derrel?" I say scared. I've never liked hospitals. "Calm down. Just relax okay? We're leaving soon." He says calmly. I grab his hand gently. "It's just a minor concussion and you haven't been eating right." He tells me. The doctor walks in with a clipboard. He puts it in the space at the end of the bed. He tells me to look up so he can look at my eyes. "She's good to go. Don't let her eat solid foods. Only liquids. A month for that and 1 night without doing anything crazy. Just sleep." He tells Derrel. I look up at him while he nods. Then the doctor leaves. "Lola let's go." he goes to continue, but I interrupt. "You can't keep an eye on me for a whole month. I don't care I'll eat solid food." He smiles and picks me up. I try to get down but I realize my stomach feels funny. He brings me out to his car and sets me down. I put on the grey seatbelt. He lays the seat back so I lay down. He quickly gets in the driver seat. I hold his hand really tight. "I'm watching you. A month, a year, 10? I don't care I'll always be here for you." He says, making me have butterflies. I go to lift up the shirt but he stops me. "Leave it. They had to put something there just cause they had to pump your stomach. Apparently you snuck down and got into my beer last night." He says. "Is it bad? I have cheerleading for your game tomorrow. Please? I wanna do this for you." I ask, tearing up. "You really want to cheer tomorrow? Do the liquids. And by the way, beer doesn't count. I care about you Lola, too much." He says smiling. I kiss his cheek. He turns my head back to him and kisses me. I try to lift up my shirt again but he stops me again. "Don't, it's stitches, you'll freak out." He says quietly. "If you take your medicine and only have fluids it will heal good tonight." He continues. I jump when my phone rings. I see my moms icon. I answer the phone. "Hi sweetie, is Derrel with you?" She asks nervously. "Mhm? What is it mom?" I ask while looking at him. "Your fathers back. He won't hurt you I just want you to stay at Derrels for a bit again. Like last time." She says. My dad went to jail when I was 10 for assaulting my mom and shooting her hand. She tells me it was an accident but her wanting me to stay far away from him is telling me different. She hangs up the phone and Derrel holds my hand as he drives to his house. We go inside and I lay in his bed. He plays on his Xbox but there's rocks getting thrown at the window. Just when I thought I could take a nap. I look down and it's his ex. I start to get upset. I go to leave the room. He stops me at his door. "Hey what is it?" He asks, noticing the tears in my eyes. My heart starts to race. "Guess I'm not the only girl you kissed right? Again I'm an extra. Don't use me like I'm some- some- bitch!!" I say, crying. I quickly go out of his room and go to the small bathroom. As I sit in front of the door, footsteps start approaching. "Lola you're the only person I promise. You aren't an extra. You'll never be an extra let me in. I know how bad your relationships were but you've known me for the longest time." He says, in a very calming voice.  I open the door so he comes in and picks me up. "You know how crazy my ex is. It's okay." He says quietly. I wipe my tears on his shoulder. He sets me back on his bed. He sits down in his gaming chair but I go over to him and sit on his lap. "Can you teach me how to play it?" I ask. He looks at me shocked and quickly holds the remote in my hands. "Okay, so this button-" He continues but I keep looking at him. I have a huge smile on my face. "You don't want to learn do you?" He asks "Let's go to bed come on." He finishes. He lays beside me and we fall asleep. The next morning I drink a smoothie. As we wait at the bus stop, he puts his football jacket on me because I'm cold. It's black and red with an R on it for Ravens. I smile really big. "Sit at the back with us today?" He asks me. Him and the rest of the football team sit at the back of the bus. The cheerleaders sit at the front on my call because I don't want them getting distracted. "If I sit at the back I'd have to let the girls-" I say but Derrel interrupts me. "Let them, you can try it out just this once, come on please?" He begs. I think for a minute, I nod my head and he quickly hugs me. The bus pulls up so I go on and I stand in the aisles. "Go ahead- but I sit with Derrel!" They all laugh and start rushing to seats. I smile really big and lay on Derrels shoulder. "See? Oh one sec. Stay here." He says a bit quiet. He goes to the bus driver and whispers in her ear. My song starts blasting. I quickly go over to him. We all start dancing in the seats and I kiss him. Everyone yells and cheers. "Come on girls we have practice." I yell. When the bus pulls up to our school, we all get off the bus. After schools over, we're getting changed in our changing room. I put on my black and red skirt and t-shirt. We all go out and I put Derrels jacket on him. "Why didn't you get the outfits for when it's cold outside?" He asks, trying not to laugh. "Because, it was ugly. Get the game started so we can go out for supper." I wink and I see a huge smile on him. We do our first routine on the middle of the football field. As we run back to the benches, everything starts spinning and Derrel runs over. I shake my head and go to the change room. I pass out and hit my head on the floor. One of the cheerleaders run in to find me. She sees me laying unconscious on the ground. She yells for Derrel. The others call an ambulance and they call off the game. I slowly open my eyes and I slowly sit up. "Can you hear me?" Derrel says quickly. I nod slowly. I hear the loud sirens approaching closer and closer. "No I can't go back there! No no, Derrel please!" I say panicking. He calms me down. When they get here, Derrel tells them it was a false alarm. I have a lot of trauma with the hospital and Derrel knows that, he's just looking out for me. The next day, I'm back at Derrels. I wake up on his bed. He isn't anywhere in his room. I slowly sit up. Derrel walks in with a smoothie in one hand, a spoon in his mouth and yogurt in the other hand. "You're eating my spoon." I say quietly. He laughs. "It's okay, also your moms stuff is gone, no notes. We don't know where she went this time."  He says disappointed "But my mom said she's keeping you here until there's news. I agree with her decision." He finishes talking. "I'm 18 I'd be fine on my own. Derrel why don't I just go to my hou-" I try to continue but someone knocks loudly on the door. He goes out and then brings in our friends. I smile and set down my strawberry banana smoothie. "Derrel can I stay up here? After the last party I-" I go to finish but he nods his head.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2023 ⏰

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