chapter 1

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I walked along the sidewalk, my legs (sorry if you don't have legs) swaying with the rhythm in my headphones. The sun was brightly shining, to the point it was blinding whenever you looked at anything remotely brightly coloured.

I was on my way to school, just like always. My house wasn't that far away and I'd always meet a few people during my everyday morning walk. I didn't mind it but I wasn't that much of an extrovert to talk to every single person I meet.

"Y/N-chaNnnnNNNn!!" I hear someone screaming. I take off my headphones and see her. Yumehara Chiyo, age 16, blood type B. Chaotic romantic. Crushes change every season. Very clingy but she's nice.

"Good morning Yumehara" I say as I put my headphones away, expecting at least 14 questions in the next 5 minutes.

We finally make it to class as I sit in my usual spot. I hear people in my class talking about a new student. Hope it's not another lost cause.

I sit quietly in my desk listening to music once again, hoping to not get interrupted. Shouldn't have gotten my hopes up. I get approached by a guy. Kaidou Shun, age 16, blood type AB. Chuunibyou, or however the heck you spell it. Thinks he's got superpowers or something. He's not bad, even though his Dark Reunion talk can get annoying.

"Good morning do you have time to talk about the Dark Re-" he stops mid-sentence and turns around as if an unknown force was calling him.

"I'll be back to continue our talk. For now Jet Black Wings out." he runs across the room Naruto style and starts annoying another guy.

Saiki Kusuo, age 16, blood type unknown. I've never seen him open his mouth, like ever. Or smile. Very very anti-social and there's at least 2 people hopelessly obsessed with him for some reason. Haven't spoken to him, it doesn't seem like he wants to be spoken to anyway.

The teacher enters the room talking about a new student. I hear the girls making loud, almost as if mating noises and seconds later those unholy sounds suddenly (thankfully) stop. A guy with purple hair and glasses walks into class.

Looking good so far. He grabs a white chalk with his tough, strong palms and writes "Aren Kuboyasu wuz here". He notices his mistake and quickly erases the "wuz here" part, just as the class starts laughing.

"That guy's funny!" a classmate whose name shall remain hidden says meanwhile Kuboyasu starts sweating and looks at the class with desperation. I nervously laugh, hoping to not have another weirdo in this class.


Once the lesson is over I yet again take out my headphones because this class really isn't into normal socializing. I see the new kid slowly approaching my table and at the same moment 'Supermassive Black Hole' starts playing, as if on cue. Very suspicious. Very s u s.

I rapidly open the nearest book and pretend I'm reading. Like no, I'm not gonna socialize right now, most importantly not with someone who's 5ft 7inch and looks like he could beat me up even if I only looked at him a way he'd dislike. Wait. What if I befriend him.

"Kuboyasu right? Y/N L/N." I say sweetly tearing out my headphones, standing up from my seat and holding out my hand.

I can see him resisting the urge to smack my hand and do a handshake but he catches himself and shakes my hand. His hands are pretty strong, seems like a guy who works out. He's kinda hot up close not gonna lie. The way he looks at me with tho- ehm sorry.

I realize I've been staring at his hand for a solid 20 seconds so I speedily put my hand away and smile, trying to cover up the awkwardness.


I gasp subconsciously.




Did I, the ever-so serious Y/N, just s-s-s-s-stutter?? I quickly regain my posture and excuse myself. As I walk through the hallway towards the bathroom I get a weird feeling in my stomach. Oh not again.

I walk into the bathroom and splash my face with water. I lean on the washroom sink and look into the mirror (totally not copying eren I swear). My face is as red as a tomato.

"You'll get over it soon.." I say quietly, not realizing there's someone listening in on me. I splash my face once more and head out of the washroom.


The day goes by even slower than before. The bell rings, I grab my bag and walk down the hallway full of students running to get home fast. I put on my shoes and walk outside. The warm sunshine hits me in the face like a speeding hOnking truck.

"Hey." I hear a deep voice from behind me. No, it can't be. Please no.

"Hi." I say turn around to see none other than Kuboyasu. Great.

"Do you uh," he looks around "wanna go home together?"

I stare at him wide-eyed. He wants to WHAT.

"You don't even know where I live..?" I question him.

"Actually I do. We're neighbours."


We walk together in silence. It's slightly awkward walking side-by-side in a pretty tight alleyway after that incident earlier. He doesn't say anything so I hesitantly try to start a conversation.

"So um what's your favourite colour?" I spit out and mentally facepalm. Oh how so quirky I am. "Let me start over. How was your last school like?" I say as I look at my feet like the shy anime girl I am.

"I went to an all boys-school." he says, suspiciously quickly as if he prepared the answer ahead of time.

"What made you go here?"

He stays quiet. Great Y/N you managed to shut him up. Now what.

I look at him. He opens his mouth to say something but stops himself and looks in front of him, his eyes widening.

"Well look who we have here." a guy dressed in all black, looking like a punk walks out of the shadows.

"We don't want trouble.." I say sweating like I just ran a marathon and surprisingly not stuttering. Then I look at my classmate. Then the guy. Him. The guy. Him. The guy. Wait a minute.

"If it isn't the notorious Aren Kuboyasu, former 10th leader of the Espers." I can see Kuboyasu beside me flinch, his eye starts twitching and a vein starts popping up on his forehead.

"The who?" I question the guy.

"Oh and he's got a lady with him! Sweetie that's the strongest gang in the Kanto region." he states with a smug grin on his face. That was surely unexpected. I again look over at the purple-haired boy and I swear I saw smoke coming out of his ears.

"Get him boys." the guy in black says and a couple of guys runs in our direction from behind him. Kuboyasu pushes himself in front of me, kicks one of the guys in the gut, punches one in the face with a loud crack and basically fights off 4 guys who were way taller and bulkier than him singlehandedly.

He cracks his knuckles while grinning at the guy in black. The said guy starts running away but our hero of the day catches up to him and beats him up to a plump. I stand there, fazed and lovestruck.

Finishing with the guy he walks up to me and opens his mouth to talk but gets cut off by me screaming in his face.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2021 ⏰

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