Humble Beginnings

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In a world filled with magical secrets and hidden mysteries, we start in a seemingly normal suburban house. A house that looks as though it is a clone to all the houses surrounding it, perfectly ordinary. However, the residents of the house are extraordinarily different, especially a certain girl who's life is about to change forever...

(Y/n) POV

It was an extremely boring day. My 11th birthday was yesterday, but my parents didn't seem to notice. They kept muttering to themselves about being relieved that something wasn't true. I don't know what's up with them, they're really weird. It was reaching midnight, all I could really do was stare at some words in a book that I've read a million times. That was until I heard an odd tapping on my bedroom window.

I look up from my book and see a dark black owl with a letter in its beak. I crept slowly towards the window and cautiously opened it.

"Hello?" I said, I had a feeling it could somehow understand me.

It fluttered into my bedroom, its large intimidating wings folding in to fit through. The owl then dropped the letter at my feet then flew off without any warning, its wings knocking over some papers I had on my desk.

"Bye? I guess?"

The letter had an ornate bright red wax seal, it seemed very important. Just as I was about to open it, both of my parents stormed into my room.

"(Y/n) did you just see a huge owl- What is that?" Mom pointed at the letter in my hands.

"The owl gave it to me."

My parents both looked at each other in shock, shock immediately turned into worry, then turned to fear.

"The prophecy was true..." My father whispered quietly.

"I can't do it! I can't kill my own daughter!" Mother wept. 

"Kill? You're gonna kill me?" The words that left my mouth felt so foreign. My parents, the people I trust most in this world will attempt to kill me?

"Honey, we have too. Or else, so many people will die."

My dad made his way toward me, he took out what appears to be a wooden stick and pointed it at me.

"I'm sorry (Y/n), this is the only way. Avada Kedav-"

"NO!" I screamed, and threw my hands up to defend myself.

A transparent blue field shot out in front of me and absorbed the green light my father cast on me. The green mixed with the blue of the field, and it shot out dark green light at both my mother and father.

They both became stiff as rocks, and fell on the floor, both of them being eerily pale and lifeless.

I looked at my parent's unmoving bodies and took a step back.

"What have I done!"

I was so shocked that I didn't realize how much I was backing up. I forgot to close my window. Next thing you know, I'm falling and everything goes black.


I awoke to the sound of cries of despair, and screams of agony. I discovered that I'm in a dirty cell.

"Ugh My head is killing me." I exclaim, my head pounding.

"What's a kid like you doing in a place like this?" a voice said.

I bring my attention to the voice and see a man in rags, with dark long hair.

He smiles a twisted smile and says,

"Welcome to Azkaban!" 

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