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I was running around the woods in search of the Lost Boys' secret hideout.

 Finally, I found them. I hid behind some trees as I watched the boys gather in a circle, my largest enemy in the middle. 

Peter Pan.

 He had an angry look on his face, "I don't care how difficult it is. I want her found and brought back to me unharmed." 

One of the Lost Boys walked up to Peter, "But Sir-" 

Pan interrupted him, "Unharmed! Understood?" The rest of the boys nodded and spread out. 

I smirked and jumped out once I noticed that Peter was the only one left. I crossed my arms, "Looking for me?" 

Pan turned his head in my direction and clicked his tongue, "Catalina. I've been searching for you."

 I shrugged, "I go by Cat now. And I've noticed. You've had your little Lost Boys scowering Neverland for me. I feel special."

 He hummed, "You should. If you were anyone else, you'd be dead by now."

 I faked a pouty face, "But I'm not anyone else, love. I'm faster." I chuckled, "Besides, you couldn't kill me, regardless. I'm immortal." 

Pan nodded, "That you are, love. So I can't kill you. But I can make you wish you were dead."

 I sucked my teeth, "Please. We both know that you would let absolutely zero harm come in my way. Much less, inflict it. You're in love with me, Pan."

Peter sighed, "And no matter how much I'd quite love to be having this conversation, darling, we have much more important priorities."

 I raised an eyebrow, "Like what?"

 He smiled, "Your father's arrival." 

I scoffed, "Excuse me? My father's here? I-in Neverland?"

 Pan nodded, "With a bunch of fairy tale characters."

 I huffed, "You see what you've gotten yourself into without me, Pan? And now what? You expect me to help you? After everything?" 

Pan chuckled, "After you stole from me, shot me with a bow, tried to poison me, infected me with squid ink, ran from me for over 63 days, and attempted to kill me multiple times? Yes. Yes, I expect you to help me, Catalina."

 I scoffed with a smile on my face, "Oh, I get it now. You're just stupid." I walked closer to him and traced his bear chest through his non-buttoned up jacket, "Besides, why on Earth would I help you?"

 Pan nodded, "The same reason we're not on Earth. Hatred. You say I'm in love with you? Let's talk about how you feel about me." 

My eyes went low, "I hate you, Pan. I've always have." 

Pan clicked his tongue, "But you hate your father even more. And I hear that he's traveling with a blonde companion. One who shares the very same gifts that you do."

 I laughed and removed my hand from his chest, "Now that's absurd. No one carries the same power as I do."

 Pan shrugged, "Say what you want. But I know there's something you want that Captain Hook can give to you."

 I smirked, "And what's that?"

 Peter Pan leaned over my shoulder and whispered in my ear, "Vengeance. You say you've changed, Catalina. But I still see the very same girl who was transported here years ago. The girl whose heart was filled with darkness, vengeance, hatred. I still see the girl who was born with the Sea in her blood. I see the girl I once loved."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2021 ⏰

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