I'm in love with him.

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Chapter 7

It's been a couple of days, no other visitors than the other day. well actually Alice stopped by at her lunch breaks to give me some baked goods. She gave me muffins, they were so good. But other than that. It was so lonely. And boring. Billy said he was going to find me again. Where is he? I miss him. He made me feel safe.

I'm on the edge of falling asleep on the hospital bed when I hear the door handle moving . The door opens and I see a black hooded, tall guy. Who is that?

"Billy?" I ask the hooded guy.

He didn't say anything. He walks to the side of my bed and picks me up. I didn't know if it was Billy or not so I pulled off his hoodie. It's Billy!

"Oh my god I've been waiting for you. where were you baby?" I ask him.

"I'm sorry I took so long. But I'm here now. And I'm taking you out of here." Billy says.

I'm so relieved. He's safe he's ok. And I'm leaving this place.

"It's okay." I say

He grabs me and transfers me to a wheelchair. He leaves the room and puts me in the elevator with him. I look at him and say.

"I missed you."

"I missed you too." He says

He gives me a kiss. He puts his hood back up when the elevator doors open. he tries to leave the hospital with me. While passing the front desk.

"hey. sir!" The secretary shouts for him.
"you can't take her!" she adds.

He pulls out a gun from his hoodie and shoots her in the head. But for what? What did she do? because she told him that he can't take me?

"what was that for!" I ask him.

"She was gonna take you away from me" He replies.

He wheels me out of their quick and people are screaming in the hospital. He transfers me to the truck seat but while he is he hugs me. I hug him. He puts me in the seat and gets in the drivers seat then drives off.

He's driving on a lonely highway, no other trucks or cars in sight. it's dark, cold, and raining. While Billy's driving, I notice that a white car starts tailgating us. I didn't think anything of it at first, until they wouldn't back away. They wouldn't go around us, it looked like they were following us. "Billy?" I say. "Yeah?" He says.

"I think someone is following us" I tell him.

He looks in his rear view mirror and see's what I'm seeing. He drives a bit faster to see if they do, they do.

"who do you think it could be?" I ask him.

"I don't know" He says.

He starts speeding "Billy" I say, "What are you doing slow down"

"Don't worry" He says.

He tries to make a swerve on the road, we almost flip. That white car crashes into a big tree. He pulls over to go do whatever to the person in the car, but i pull him by his hoodie and back into the truck.

partners in crime <3  ~  (Billy Loomis & reader) Where stories live. Discover now