Chapter 1

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"Charlie? Charlie? It's time to wake up. You've got school today." I snuggle deeper into my pillow and say,

"I'm ill, I don't feel very well"

"Sure" my dad says sarcastically. "Now get up, otherwise you're going to be late"

"Ugggh." I struggle into a sitting position, all the warmth leaving me. "'K dad."

"Good." He says stepping out of the room and closing the door. That's when I slide back into my bed, smiling.

"Aaah. It's SO waaarm" I slur dreamily. I turn my head over and notice the clock. "It 8:25! OMG! I'M GONNA BE LATE!" I jump out of the bed, grab my school clothes and rush into the toilet to brush my teeth, my hair, wash my face and slip on my uniform. When I'm done, I look at myself in the mirror, knowing I'm going to be late, anyway. A pretty girl stares back with mid length, light, brown hair and hazel-green eyes. She is white skinned with full rosy pink lips.

"Stop staring at yourself" I mutter going down the staircase and outside into the car waiting. Not time to have breakfast. When my dad parks at the front gates of Top-kids high school, I say goodbye and hop off. Looking for my best friend Shelby, knowing she will probably be late as well.

"BOO!" I whirl around and come face to face with my best friend.

"Shelby!" We hug for a long time then, remembering we're late, we rush inside to our lockers.

"Oh, god! Mr Smith is going to KILL me!" Shelby exclaims.

"Oh. Don't you worry, I'll be there for your funeral." I joke.

"It is NOT funny! I gotta go, bye."

"Bye" I mutter, more like to myself, and walk up the stairs to my first lesson, Maths with Mrs Bridge. Oh no. I open the classroom door and try to sneak in.

"Where on earth do you think you are going, Charlie?!" the whole class turns around to find Charlie half crouched next to her chair. Some people snigger.

"Late again. Are we?" my partner, Luke asks.

"Oh, shut it."

"Watch your manners, Charlie! Being late is enough! Sit down. Everybody, back to work." Embarrassed, I sit myself in my chair.

In period 2, which is Religious Studies, I feel dizzy. Very dizzy. At break, I rush to the toilets feeling sick. Finally, in period three, I collapse.

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