Thoughts That Don't leave

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TW: Suicide, fighting

There he sat in the middle of a dimly lit room, all the lights off but the curtains wide open. An entire wall was made up of windows so the light from the stars and moon shone in and gently  illuminated the room. he sighed softly as he stared up at the ceiling, tears gently pouring down his pale skin. his head was pounding as his thoughts wandered through the past months, reminding him of all the horrible things that were going all started two months ago, the big fight.. Screaming, crying, words that hurt like a punch in the gut. they went after each others insecurities the way a lion goes after prey. "Well maybe you really have just been using me this whole time, maybe you've been dating me just for my looks" his boyfriend had said. that one had stung.. but he regretted what he replied with.. "If I were gonna date someone for their looks I would date someone attractive, not you". That fight was just the start... they broke up a couple weeks later, both devastated... they'd loved each other- but they just couldn't get past it.. especially not his boyfriend- about a month after their break up his boyfriend overdosed,. he found their body laying in their bed with a couple empty pill bottles. They left a few suicide notes, one to their mom, one to their friends, and one to him. after getting help as quickly as he could he was told that there was no chance of getting him back.., He was gone. He quickly opened the suicide note that was written for him, tears pouring down his cheeks and onto the paper, slightly smudging the ink words. he quickly moved the note, not wanting to ruin the last thing he would ever get from the one he loved. 'Dear [name], I'm sorry. I'm sorry I couldn't keep my promise. Please stay alive for me okay? live on for me ^^ You don't need me anyways, you'll be alright. I won't be hurting anymore where I'm going, and you won't be hurting anymore without me! It's a win win situation okay? And this isn't your fault okay? please don't blame yourself- or the fight... it'll all be okay ^^ I will always love you [name], and maybe in another life, we can work <3" He just continued to sob as he read that, wondering what would've happened if he'd just came to visit a few minutes earlier, wondering if he could've stopped this from happening- if he could have made a difference.. but it didn't matter now, the love of his life was gone.. but that wasn't the end of all the shit happening, all the shit he was going through.. after all that his friends started to disappear.. or was he distancing himself?.. he couldn't tell at this point.... he didn't know what to do- he felt so- alone... he didn't know what to do anymore... and so he sat there, staring at the ceiling, tears streaming down his cheeks. the tears were shiny and very visible in the moonlight... He could still feel his boyfriends presence, little did he know it was because he was there, right by his side the entire time. In fact he was currently laying right next to him, mumbling and rambling about how things would be okay, and things would get better, hoping that somehow he'd get the message.. the stars shone bright and the boy let out a gentle sigh "things will be okay.." he mumbled quietly, not truly hearing them from his boyfriend, but certainly getting the thought from them. "it'll all be okay.." he mumbled softly, closing his eyes and after a moment, peacefully falling asleep, escaping into a dream world where maybe things weren't quite as bad..


[This isn't great and I don't really love it- but I wrote it at like- 3 am so it's not horrible ig lol. feel free to give constructive criticism in the comments lol, this isn't exactly good writing of ours and there's a lot we can see that we could change but meh. That's all for now, the playlist we listened to while writing is at the top]

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2021 ⏰

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