School trip

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Reminder that English is not my first language, i apologize in advance for possible mistakes or weird/wrong grammar.

"All in all", the girl starts, "the field trip was really nice." She smiles, than her face shifts into slight regret. "It was a shame about the T.A. (teachers assistant) though, i really liked her." The man opposite of her stared in disbelief. He was shocked about what he had just heard. "I think I'm gonna vomit..." He whispered, before hurriedly getting up and leaving the room. The girl let out a deep sigh and started playing with her rings, which made the handcuffs attached to the table jingle. She looked around, the interrogation room was empty and cold, the only furniture were the table, two chairs and the ridiculously big mirror. She stared at it, knowing there was some detective behind it monitoring her. The door opened again, this time an older male stepped through. "And you are?" She asked, raising a brow. "What does it matter? You're gonna forget my name anyway." She shrugged her shoulders. "Fair enough." He sighed and sat down, putting the already opened case file in front of him. "So then... [Redacted] you're 16 years old and already killed 21 fucking people... Wow..." His voice turned quite silent. She just blankly stared at him. "Yes, very sad, anyway, what could you possibly want to know other than that i killed them?" He looked slightly taken aback, but quickly regained his composure. "Why'd you do it, and how? How did no one notice a person walking around with a gun and blood all over her?" He leant back in his chair and crossed his arms. "There's no Point in keeping secrets [Redacted], you're gonna get charged with 1st degree homicide, the Juvenile law will not be able to protect you too much from the consequences of your own actions." "Wow Sherlock, incredible deduction work." Came the sarcasting response. Another sigh escaped his lips. "Just- make this easier for the both of us and tell me why-" "- ain't nothing but a heartbreak... Ok I'll shut up." She leant her chin on her hands and looked him in the eyes. "I don't know, they just were fucking annoying. A murder doesn't always have an ulterior motive." He raised his eyebrows. "You're... A surprisingly bad liar." She looked slightly surprised. "Now what makes you say that?" She started fiddling with her rings again. "Well [Redacted], according to," He opened the file on a different page and took something out, "these notes the T.A. took on you, your class was full of bullies." He leant closer to her face, mere inches separated them, she seemed uncomfortable, good. "Is that why you killed them? Did you want revenge, [Redacted] ?" The teens expression had gotten darker with every word he had uttered, her eyes now detached and distant. "Were you aware that most sociopaths develop because of some external trigger? Something like bullying, trauma, parental abuse, or, if life really wants to fuck you over, all of the above." She took a deep breath. "Do you know just how many years i had to suffer under these asshats? They. Deserved. It." Her voice had gotten loud and her face had shifted into a furious mask. It was the only emotion other than sarcasm they had gotten out of her ever since she was detained. It took her seconds to put her sarcastic facade back on. "You done?" The mask [Redacted] was wearing, so that no one could see how hurt she had been. "...almost, just tell me how you did it, how did you manage to kill all of them without the police being alarmed?"

[5 hours prior]

I took a last look at my inventory: a silenced Pistol, several throwing knives, another silenced Pistol and four spare magazines in case it doesn't go as planned. I look at my hands, they're shaking. I'm unsure wether it's the adrenaline or if I'm just scared, not that it matters. My plan is simple, fool proof, really: wait until everyone is in their rooms for the night, knock on the door and wait until person no. 1 opens up, kill person no. 1 by slashing their throat, enter the room and kill person no. 2 and 3, leave the room and make sure to close the door in case someone comes across my path of death and destruction. 'wow... I'm sO eDGy.' *sigh* There's no turning back now, but that's fine, they deserve it. Every last one of them, the people that harassed and humiliated me year after year, the ones that just watched and laughed and the ones that looked away and pretended they didn't see it. For. The. Past. Six. Years. I had gripped the handle of the gun so tightly that my knuckles had turned white. I took another look at the clock.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2021 ⏰

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