Shewolf meets the dead parents from the Werwolf Brothers and Gerlic

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In the beginning of 1995

In the infinite galaxy, where countless meteorites and planets that have not yet been discovered float around.The most famous planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. In the middle of the 8 planets, the sun, the largest star in this solar system. But there is still one planet that exists several times, but only one on Earth. This one bears the name, moon.

This moon has existed for countless years. But there is a being with it that is just as old and will live as long as the moon. As always, a transparent shape resembling a ghost turned it's gaze to the earth. The shape of this being is very similar to a wolf. But unnatural. With incredibly yellow eyes, with pale yellow pupils. A somewhat gray, blue fur. But it has no mouth. With a chain around the neck, which glows in a different color every second.

This being, look down to earth to see what is going on there. It saw beautiful things as well as sad things. The earth is the only planet it observes. Because it's the only planet with life. But you don't know whether that is true. It saw beings come and go. Enemies and friends. It could feel the hearts of living beings. Goodness or malice. It saw all of these living beings, with their parents and children. The only parent of this being is the moon. It wished it could have a family too. It's been alone on this galaxy all these years. It has been to earth several times. But everyone who met it was afraid of it. Called it ghost or demon.

But in 1995 everything was different.It looked like it always did on earth. Most of all it looked at the forests, where the creatures run free and keep themselves from the human race. In the evening time on earth it saw a little white puppy. A female puppy, not yet 1 year old, runs through the forest and looks curiously through the forest. It suspects nothing good. Because it knows how dangerous that can be for a very, very young creature out there, and that curiosity can kill. The body of the moon wolf started to glow and got smaller and smaller. And flew towards the earth where the white puppy is. The white puppy ran near rocks where it climbs very steeply. She became curious about what was up there and started to climb up. But what the moon wolf had feared came true. The steep hill collapsed, and many stones, large and small, fell down. The white puppy cried out in fear and fell down with all the stones. Tears ran down her cheeks and screams that cry out for help.

A bright white beam flew to the pup, and carried it away from the place. The white puppy opened her watery eyes and saw the place where she would have fallen. A huge rock stomped on the ground with an incredibly loud bang. At that point she knew that this would have been her death. She rubbed her eyes to see better again. And looked up. She saw the see-through wolf, and it looked at her with its yellow eyes. "Are you all right little one? Something like that is dangerous. I hope you learned from it little one. Never do that again. Curiosity can be fatal." Explained the wolf with the light fur. The white puppy looked at the big wolf. The wolf now expects the puppy to run away and scream. But she still stood there looking at it.

"Wow! That was unbelievable! You are unbelievably fast! Thank you! I will return the favor at some point! You look so beautiful! You are the most beautiful she-wolf I have ever seen! Even more beautiful than my mother!" The wolf was surprised. This little puppy is talking to him. The little puppy is jumping around the big wolf and is simply in love with the way she looks. " Do you want to be my friend?" This question came unexpectedly. Nobody has ever asked that. This little puppy was something very special. "My name is Trixie! Where are you from? As beautiful as you look, you definitely don't come from here."

The wolf hesitated at first because it doesn't know whether the puppy can understand it so young. But the puppy looked at her with wide eyes. Trixie rolled around on the floor to show how much she wanted to know. The wolf gave up. "Well, you won. But you have to promise me something, little one." Trixie jumped up, welding her tail wildly with joy. " What then?" she asked curiously. "If you tell about me, your parents wouldn't believe you. Say that I'm imaginary." Trixie nodded and sat down to listen to the beautiful wolf.

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