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  • Dedicated to anyone who needs a little hope.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: I wrote this story about a year ago. This situation kind of happened to me except there was no adorable guy named Conner and it was just me sitting on a park bench. While I was at the park last summer, this idea popped into my head. I went there with one of my best friends and we were with two other guys. She ended up getting all the attention from them and they were showering her with so many compliments. I felt so awkward and blahish at that point. I was being ignored and afterward I sadly started getting used to it. I felt like I was the ugly best friend. So this story didn't actually happen to me. It was just an idea I had while I was sitting on that park bench alone. But it kind of means a lot to me since at some point in this story, I actually feel like Zoey does. I hope you like it. (:

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In life, different people have different questions that sometimes may never get answered. Sometimes they have to wait years and years before they actually get what they're searching for. Sometimes people end up dying and never knowing the outcome of that one single question. And like most of those people, I have a question that I wished it could get answered. But will it? Not a chance.

I haven't told anyone my unanswered question. I just have a gut feeling that once I let my question slip, someone will laugh and point out how stupid it is. They would just tell me to move on and forget about the question because it would never get answered. Unfortunately, I wanted that answer. I wanted that answer so badly that it kept me awake at night. It was so simple yet it meant so much.

Why wasn't I beautiful?

In the world I was currently living in, beauty was the main thing that got you so far in life. Personality didn't mean anything. People claimed it didn't but that was nothing but a lie. No one would spare a glance in your direction unless you had the supermodel looks. I didn't understand how someone could be blessed with amazing looks while I was stuck with being hideous.

I'm sixteen and I can admit that I'm way past lame. I like to play it safe and I follow the rules. I'm boring and plain. I've never had a boyfriend and I never had my first kiss. Boys have never been interested in me except to win bets or playing around with my heart for their entertainment. I was left in the shadows watching everyone be all lovey dovey with their other half and I had to pretend like I wasn't wanting a boyfriend.

What on earth was wrong with me?


I quickly broke out of my deep thoughts when I heard a familiar voice shout my name. I looked up from the ground beneath my sandal covered feet, pushing my glasses more up my nose, and saw my best friend, Aubrey Lopez, staring at me, her perfectly plucked eyebrows raised. "Yeah? What?"

"Are you alrighty there?" She asked me, seeming somewhat worried.

"Yeah, I'm perfectly fine." I stated, faking a smile. She didn't see through it. She never saw past my fake smile. She thought my world was a bunch of rainbows and bunnies running everywhere. She just stood in front of me, smiling her gorgeous smile at me. It made me feel in worse about myself. "What would make you think something's wrong?"

"You kept spacing out on me that's why. Are you sure you're okay?"

I nodded my head and forced my smile to be bigger. I really don't think my smile could be any faker or anymore obvious at how pathetic and forced it was. "I'm fine, Aubrey. Don't worry. Uhh, let's just go find Kyle and Marcus."

"Okay!" Aubrey said joyfully, walking off towards the park we had stopped in front of. I sighed and followed behind her, knowing she didn't actually care if I was fine or not. She just wanted to quickly find Kyle and Marcus.

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