once there was a scientist who made a zombie then the zombie bit the scientist and the scientist said "aaaaaaaaa" then turned into a zombie. So the zombies bit all the people and then the agents came and now are trying to save the people but the airplane crashs so the agents got knocked out. the agents woke up but the agents had no amo for their guns so they said no
Now we have to use our knives". But one agent was rele hert bad he's name was mastergun. He ocouldn't fel he's hands.
So the uther agents tock mastergun. SO TYEH ran. To a save how's . So their was tuns of zombies.
But the agents fowd a mistrbox .
So one agent tapt the mistrbox. The gent got a shotgun let's blowe som zombies heds off . But it is nitetime so their is
Tunds off boses . So they slept all day Lon . It was morning.