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It had been a month since Wilbur cut the cord. George, after many nights still couldn't get over it. There was no use in dialing Dream's phone number or Sapnap's. The cord was cut.

George didn't manage to bring himself to admitting it was real. Daily visits at the cemetery placing flowers on Dream's grave, seeing Wilbur and Tommy move on just fine, it all made his heart bleed.

He settled for the best decision, moving out. George searched for an apartment online looking through the results, "This one perhaps. It's quite nice and cheap, in an old part of town. That was the one. Nothing would have helped George more than throwing out all the old memories, forgetting it all.


The moving company's truck arrived a week later. Not quite the best day, it was heavily raining. George opened the door to his house, " Is there anything you would like to keep from here?" God damnit. " I haven't decided yet but I'll let you know." His response sounded way more agressive than intended.

In the meantime of his house being stripped of furniture and wallpapers he went to say all his goodbyes to his friends, and Clay. As he was leaving Wilbur's house he heard," George please wait. I know what I've done was only no good but, I apologize." Those words left George speechless," Don't even bother with it Wilbur, he told you to do it-"
"But I listened George, I didn't have to." He cut George off. "Wilbur you can't fix it let it be. I've decided now. Goodbye."

The door slamming behind him snapped George back to reality. They didn't quite end things on the nicest note.

The last place where George wanted to go was Clay's grave. He found comfort there.

Behind the gates of the cemetery everything layed quiet. George walked over to Dreams grave with a big bouquet in his hands. Calendulas, orchids, roses, all wrapped up in a plastic cover. He placed it on the grave, "Clay I'm moving. It's for the better I promise. I love you more than all the stars in the universe. Goodbye old man." Warm streaks of tears cooled down as they fell from his cheek. He silently walked away, wiping his tears.

Back at his house, Wich had now been cleaned out only the master bedroom still intact, "We though you might want to keep something from there."
"Yeah Ill take the telephone with me and this section of wallpaper, just can you let me walk around the house for the last time?"
"Of course!"he heard the door close.

And so George layed down on his bed like the nights when he talked with Dream. His eyes flickering between the wallpapers and telephone once again filling with tears. He cut out the handprints on the wall with a craft knife. To his surprise there was a letter. It read,"George I know you'll find this, give this to whoever I ordered to cut the cord-from Dream." George's heart shattered.

He walked out with what he wanted, placed the items in the truck and started walking towards Wilbur's house.

George rang the doorbell, Wilbur opened the door, " Take this Wilbur it's from your father." George hurt himself with his own words. Wilbur opened the letter.

"If only you knew George, I regret that day. I shouldn't have made that decision. It broke me, made me bleed. Those handprints George, I'm sure they're beautiful. Keep them. Those flowers, care for them. Your memories let them go. It all wouldn't have happened if I chose not to tell Sap about Governor Schlatt. I rethink all I've done. I love you. I still do.
-Dream October 1st 1970."

Wilbur's voice grew weak the further he got into the letter. He hugged George.
A few long moments of silence stood between them.

" I forgive you Wilbur." That was all George could manage to say, he felt comfort.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2022 ⏰

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Flowers from 1971 -~~DNF //Where stories live. Discover now