Counting on a letter

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Counting on a letter

horses are one of the most amazing animals thats in my point of view but for some people they think that they are one of the most boring horses or like my little brother use to say when we would go to the stable is I'm allergic to them. Now let me ask you something i never seen a person be allergic to a horse so thats kind of hard to believe, i think my brother doesn't like the dust, and believe me there is a lot of dust in the stable. now that i told you this we are getting somewhere. here is how the story goes..........

there once was a girl named mary most people called her adventurous because she loves to go and explore places that no one even knows when shes gone. just about 12:00 she ran out the door and was gone like that. She went to this tunnel and found this oak tree but there was nothing there. she skipped the tree and walked a little more she wasn't looking for anything specific. mary was humming and singing this beautiful song

I love being outside
maybe because i'm not five
i walk through trees and grass
and never seen my dad
i how i'm so cool
like if i can fly
like a bird
hum hum hum hum

She stopped singing and came up to something big and stiff. she looked at it. walked around it. hmm she found a barn and went in it. there she saw stalls on either side of the isle.

she looked at them but there was only one horse in a stall. It was a palomino horse and she thought it belonged to someone. mary looked at the horse and saw there was name on the door it read stubborn. Mary unlatched the door and went in side. Stubborn got spooked and backed up almost trying to kick mary. Whoa mary screamed and backed out of stubborns stall. Stubborn was now neighing in her stall and making circles. Mary then talked to the horse and stubborn did calm down. Mary went in with hay and gave it to stubborn. stubborn accepted it. Hmm there must be a halter for you. mary went and saw a halter hanging next to his stall. she put it on the horse and he reared mary jumped back. Now i know why your name is stubborn. mary tried again and this time she tried it with a treat. it worked and she lead him out and to a big pasture and saw more wonderful horses.

stubborn began to pull and neigh. mary got scared and let go the horse bolted to the horse. horses ran in every direction.
mary didn't know what to do and they were fly down the pasture
athen worse came stubborn reared and started fighting with another horse. they both reared and the black horse that fought with stubborn threw a kick right at him. stubborn reared again and went down and bit the black horse. mary was so horrified she didn't know how to control those two. mary started crying and ran to the two horses and said Hey Knock IT OFF!!!.it was no use. they horses ran around and the black horse was in front and stubborn was in back. Then finally mary saw the horses stop she quickly walked over and the black horse had his ears pinned back saying one step closer and you're going to get it. stubborn was looking at mary and turned his butt so it faced her. mary then quickly went to him and grabbed his halter. he didn't fuss but followed her. once at the barn she put him in his stall and finally learned her lesson to leave a horse exactly where they are or else you will get in a lot of trouble thats exactly what's happened now.

Chapter 2:

Mary also had a brother named Bob but he's only seven years old. mary then headed home and when she got home she told her mom about it. suddenly there was a knock at the front door. mary said whos that as she peeked around the corner of the kitchen counter. Her mom opened the door and it was strange he was a tall fellow and had to be 6 feet tall. can i help you said mom. yes you see i have a horse and i'm wondering who moved him because he wasn't in his right stall. mary walked up to the door and said i'm sorry it was me. i got too curious and i didnt mean it.

you what mother said. you went into someones property and didn't ask? mom was so mad she wanted to have a word with me. I looked in her eyes and they were filled with rage she was that mad. excuse me sir but i have to speak to my daughter. Mom took me in the house and said why did you do that? Mary was so sorry she started balling and her mom calmed her down. Mary said sorry to the man and he said no worries but stubborn you got to be careful about. As you saw he likes to hurt other horses. Hey maybe you could help me with something. Mary was so filled with excitement she ran to her mom and said can i please go help the man please! well see but i will speak to him first. thanks mom and Mary hugged her. Mary said goodbye to the man and she went outside and climbed her tree. Mary wants to climb to her tree house and its not small but huge. So when mary went up in her tree house she found a letter that said.
you may not know me but you have a mission to take on this is the message for you and only you. mary had no idea what this was about and then she took the folder and shook it there was a coin a bell and some string and also there was hay. Mary looked a little scared and then she went down and found a box under her wooden chair. she said that was never there before. She read more of the letter. so if you want to do this mission you will have to read on but if you don't throw this letter away and you will never see this again. Mary had no idea what choice to make. should she just do it or fail the mission. find out as we return to the book

Chapter 3

Mary opened more of the letter and found money it was only a 20 dollar bill. she began to read more of the letter. for the things you found including the money you must take care of the horses. that i assign you. Mary stopped reading and said I can't believe this. she read more and the letter told her to go into town and you will see on your left before the target a sign that says tunnel go in the tunnel and it opens up to a red barn and in has regular stalls. you have to hide this somewhere. Make sure your mom can't see what it is. this is the end i will sent more letters to you tomorrow. Make sure to use the money wisely to buy stuff. Mary closed the letter and put it in a drawer in her tree house along with her box and the small stuff she received from the letter.
I should go to that stable maybe tomorrow. Mary head inside her house to eat and went to bed.

the morning sky was up and bright. Mary opened her eyes and saw another note by her lamp right next to her bed post. She opened it eagerly. it read to day is your first task go to the stable and i got you $20 in the envelope. She went straight to the stables. there were just stalls on either side. mary said i hope I don't get in trouble for this if my mom doesn't know where i'm at. Mary looked round and found there was no horse what so ever i mean none. Whats the point of this she said and threw the envelope on the floor and started to walk away. just then she herd jingling and hooves pounding. where was it coming from, it came from the letter. she picked up the letter and something caught her eye. You sid you wanted to move on so i gave you warning next time you will not have a chance do you want a horse or not? so do the quest im giving you trust me your life will be easyer if you live your dream. just see beyond your life and go and live it.
mary didnt like were this was going. She just didnt have the guts to do it.i cant do this mary said. i only have what 40 something dollers what a rip off. mary wanted to through the letter away so badly but she couldnt do it. the hooves that she herd was just fake it probably came from her head. she looked around the barn a little more. she found the tack room and this is the layout of the barn.
there was clean stalls and there also was six horse stalls a was stall and a tack room. mary didt know what to do so she saw the isle in the barn needed to be swept so she took a broom and started to sweep the isle. mary started at the tack room and worked her way down the isle. then she saw the letter in one of the stalls she opend it up and she earned another 20$
nwere is all this money coming from mary exclaimed. Omg maybe I have to read the letter what a shock!. Mary began to read the letter it said. now that you have $60 you need only need to do one thing and that is to go to town and get another 20 or so dollers. in town you will see just a bank and ask for a hundered doller bill and thats when you can have enough money to go to the horse sell stables to buy a horse. so are you ready or not. Mary thought about this and could be her only chace to get a horse. She was going to do it. Mary went to the shop in town and she new were it was. mary stuck the letter in her pocket and when she got to the shop she looked and this is wht she saw.

all these 5 horses looking at here and then a guy walked up and said are you looking to buy a horse here little girl. mary looked at him and smiled yes but witch one can i have. well lets see and they walked past the horses that were in their and mary walked up to this horse that had a green halter. I want this one she exclaimed. now easy there my little one how much money do you have. Mary dug in her pocket and pulled out $60 but the horse was more than $60 it was $100. aw i really want this horse mary complained. il tell you what said the man you can borrow that horse but pay me after. so off whent mary and this wounderful creature back to the sturdy red barn. When she got there she found another letter pinned on the barn door. she took it off and read it in very bold letters.... now no no no little girl that wasn't the plan you were suppose to give him your money or else pick a different horse so go back and try again and this time im watching you very very carfully. Mary didn't want to take the horse back and she wanted to also know who was writing those letters. She did as she was told but she couldn't let the horse go not now.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2015 ⏰

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