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"I swear that door was closed before" Artemis whispered to herself as she walked slowly and quietly to close the open door. As she reached it she began to feel as if someone was watching her from the kitchen, Artemis turned to face the kitchen but there was no sign of anyone there. God's above she thought to herself as she slowly began to close the door again. "Maybe I'm just imagining things." Artemis thought, yet something was off and the bathroom door had been closed. She hurried to the room shutting the door behind her and placed a chair beneath the handle. Artemis soon realized she wasn't alone when the door handle began to move. If they got in she didn't have many weapons except for the small dagger under her bed.

Artemis hadn't taken any chances that night after climbing out the window, she didn't even bother grabbing her bow as she hurled herself onto her horse and set off galloping in her nightgown, dagger in hand. "I knew they would find out at some point" she managed to say through gulps of air, to her horse, "I just didn't expect them to get this far".

Artemis turned Eighteen a week ago yet she hadn't had any glimpse or sign of the power she "apparently possessed". Her horse Aldwyn, let out a huff in the cold morning mist. "I know" Artemis breathed out, her eyes felt as if they would shut any second. "Let's just rest a little longer" she yawned, closing her eyes and slumping on the ground, her back towards the stump of the old hanging willow. Aldwyn huffed again, this time adding a shrill Winnie to it making Artemis jump. "ALDWYN DON'T DO THAT! please, you and I both know it's been a rough night" Artemis got some sleep before realizing she needed to buy weapons and food for their travel out of this damned town.

Patting herself down and pouring everything out of her bag. Her palm met her face and Aldwyn's head jerked towards her and nudged her towards the field, Artemis forgot to grab her purse, the horse kept nudging her towards a pond with koi, she did love the koi perhaps she'd find a place with a lovely koi pond to call her own. But as Artemis peered deeper into the pond she saw her purse and sighed with relief. "Well Aldwyn, the purse isn't needed but the coins and gems are." she trudged towards her horse who huffed in her face, "don't act like that, we both know repairing that would be a mission." Artemis opened her satchel and grabbed a pair of trousers and a black tunic. She walked towards a dense green bush and changed.

The black tunic with a gold amphithere embroidered on it, it highlighted her braided ombre hair and sage green eyes with her black trousers, with a few handy compartments hidden from seeking eyes, her horse, Aldwyn was a beautiful blue-black roan with a thin blaze running down his muzzle. Artemis stroked his muzzle for a bit, staring at the slow swimming koi. Eventually, she mounted him and set off in a slow lope towards the city. The city was loud and packed, just perfect for her to sneak through unnoticed, just a mere traveller interested in weapons and food,

It hadn't taken Artemis long to acquire a bow, some arrows and a few daggers. However there were no swords in any of the shops, she'd asked every shopkeeper if they had any in stock but they had all said they had none but would have some next season, she kindly thanked them and left. Artemis smelt it from a mile away, chocolate that divine creation that she would never decline. She'd gone and bought a few bars. She left knowing she should also get proper food. Artemis passed a few drunks soon after buying the food and items she needed for her trip to Eighford, she'd been offered a place there just 3 days ago, Artemis also knew there was a keep for her kind there able to live without fear and learn to master their powers whether or not they accepted her with her powers. Having not risen from the depth inside her, Artemis would find a place there. Aldwyn snorted not far beyond her, she left him in the slums of the city just so she could make the trek without a horse with a bad attitude. He pawed at the ground impatiently as she untied him from the post and walked past a few drunks swaggering down the road and some city guards who looked her up and down as if scanning for a threat, the sooner she was out of here the better.

Plight was quiet that night most likely because they were all at the theatre watching a graceful woman dance to the music, the orchestra played so beautifully as she sat on the roof of the little house she rented for the night, listening to the faint sound of the music being played, midnight would be soon and Artemis knew she should be sleeping but she couldn't help but to sit there and listen to the enchanting music. She knew the melody well by now, since she came to see it every spring without fail since she was 8, she stood up as the orchestra hit their final note before they ended and slid through the window of her room. Artemis sighed as she whispered tiredly "If this show was better than the last, I wouldn't be here for one night only." Artemis dropped onto her bed, her face buried in the pillows of the plump bed. She closed her eyes and slowly began to drift off into her own place of peace.


Ame sat quietly and helplessly in the house of her captor, all the others were asleep now but she never slept, not since she was taken from her home...and watched them slaughter her family Ame's older sister hadn't been home in the past month and Ame was glad she had to stay in Eleystead for another summer had to come soon. The cellar was always cold like the feel of mid-winter, she never liked it. All the others offered to stay up at night so she could sleep but Ame always said that they needed the sleep more than she did and that she couldn't sleep anyway, well at least not at the thought that they can come and take them to another cellar, but she had always been lying, Ame couldn't sleep that was true but she couldn't sleep mainly because she kept seeing her mother and fathers body lying in front of her. Their cold, lifeless faces and blood-stained clothes. She shoved the thought out of her head and looked towards the small barred window. The moon was bright tonight, she sighed, "it looks like you've been punched in both eyes." a familiar voice chuckled. Ame straightened "how did you get here?"

-Hey!! Sadly I WILL NOT! be completing this book any further as I have lost motivation on this one I have another book currently being written but my creative juices are low

if you would like to make an au or whatever people do or finish it you may not without my permission!

i belive many of you may enjoy the book I am writing now see you soon! :)

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